Schriftzug: Fachbereich Mathematik 
  UHH > Fakultäten > MIN-Fakultät > Mathematik > Teaching Export to the TUHH > Courses > from previous semesters   STiNE |  KUS-Portal |  Sitemap Suchen Hilfe click here for english language  

Courses from previous semesters

German Lectures DGL I

Differential Equations I

WiSe 2021/2022 WiSe 2022/2023 WiSe 2023/2024

Note: You can download the following teaching material for all the above events. Which files and for how long they are published is decided by the respective organizers. Therefore, please always contact the named contact persons with all questions regarding the content of lectures, exercises, lecture hall exercises and exams (see category "contact").

Differential Equations I: WiSe 2023/2024

Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens / Dr. Peywand Kiani

Lecture - Slides (PDF)
(Status/Update: 31.01.2024)

Work sheets
Work Sheet 1  /  Work Sheet 2  /  Work Sheet 3  /  Work Sheet 4  /  Work Sheet 5  /  Work Sheet 6  /  Work Sheet 7  / 

Homework Sheets
Homework Sheet 1  /  Homework Sheet 2  /  Homework Sheet 3  /  Homework Sheet 4  /  Homework Sheet 5  /  Homework Sheet 6  /  Homework Sheet 7  / 

Solutions of selected class exercises
Solution 1P  /  Solution 2P  /  Solution 3P  /  Solution 4P  /  Solution 5P  /  Solution 6P  /  Solution 7P  / 

Solutions of the homework exercises
Solution 1H  /  Solution 2H  /  Solution 3H  /  Solution 4H  /  Solution 5H  /  Solution 6H  /  Solution 7H  / 

Auditorium Exercises
There was no Auditorium Exercise 1  /  Auditorium Exercise 2  /  Auditorium Exercise 3  /  Auditorium Exercise 4  / 
Auditorium Exercise 5  /  Auditorium Exercise 7  /  Advice on the exam (ODE-Part)

Written exam in the WiSe 2023/2024
kl-d1w23-EN  /  kl-d1w23-EN-loes

Retake Written exam in the SoSe 2023:
kl-d1s24-EN  /  kl-d1s24_loes-EN

Anfang der Seite

Differential Equations I: WiSe 2022/2023

Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens / Dr. Peywand Kiani

Tuesday, 16:45 - 18:15, weekly; DE 22-I, Audimax 2   [Start 18.10.2022]   (in English)

You will find all relevant information for the lecture "Differential Equations I" (incl. lecture videos and material) in the Stud.IP (Start page)  /  Lecture: Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) (EN)

Work sheets
Work Sheet 1  /  Work Sheet 2  /  Work Sheet 3  /  Work Sheet 4  /  Work Sheet 5  /  Work Sheet 6  /  Work Sheet 7

Homework Sheets
Homework Sheet 1  /  Homework Sheet 2  /  Homework Sheet 3  /  Homework Sheet 4  /  Homework Sheet 5  /  Homework Sheet 6  /  Homework Sheet 7

Written exam in the WiSe 2022/2023
kl-d1w22-EN  /  kl-d1w22_loes-EN

Retake Written exam in the SoSe 2023:
kl-d1s23-EN  /  kl-d1s23_loes-EN

Anfang der Seite

Differential Equations I: WiSe 2021/2022

Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens / Dr. Kai Rothe

Tuesdays, 15:00–16:30 (3:00-4:30 pm), H-SBC 5, Audimax 1 (in German)
Tuesdays, 16:45–18:15 (4:45-6:15 pm), I-DE 22, Audimax II (in English)

Lecture videos (via lecture2go) and lecture slides or notes (PDF)

Week 1 (11.10.-15.10.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 1 - Introduction  /  Lecture 1 - board notes
Week 2 (18.10.-22.10.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 2 - separation of variables  /  Lecture 2 - board notes
Week 3 (25.10.-29.10.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 3 - transformation  /  Lecture 3 - board notes
Week 4 (01.11.-05.11.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 4 - Linear Systems of ODEs  /  Lecture 4 - board notes
Week 5 (08.11.-12.11.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 5 - Matrix Exponential Solution  /  Lecture 5 - board notes
Week 6 (15.11.-19.11.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 6 - LinODEComp  /  Lecture 6 - board notes
Week 7 (22.11.-26.11.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 7 - LinODE2  /  Lecture 7 - board notes
Week 8 (29.11.-03.12.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 8 - LaplaceTrans (updated: 29.12.2021)  /  Lecture 8 - board notes
Week 9 (06.12.-10.12.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 9 - Powerseries  /  Lecture 9 - board notes
Week 10 (13.12.-17.12.2021):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  /  Lecture 10 - Boundaryvalues  /  Lecture 10 - board notes

[frome here Online - see information and link above]
Week 11 (03.01.-07.01.2022):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  –  Video recording of the lecture 11  /  Lecture 11 - Eigenvalues  /  Lecture 11 - board notes
Week 12 (10.01.-15.01.2022):
Video Link  –  Video recording of the lecture 12  /  Lecture 12 - StableAutonom  /  Lecture 12 - board notes
Week 13 (17.01.-21.01.2022):
Video Link Part 1, Video Link Part 2  –  Video recording of the lecture 13  /  Lecture 13 - Numerical Meth.  /  Lecture 13 - board notes  /  software example: SIR-Model [ZIP]

Work Sheet
Sheet 0P  /  Sheet 1P  /  Sheet 2P  /  Sheet 3P  /  Sheet 4P  /  Sheet 5P  /  Sheet 6P  / 

Homework Sheet
Sheet 1H  /  Sheet 2H  /  Sheet 3H  /  Sheet 4H  /  Sheet 5H  /  Sheet 6H  / 

Written Exam in the WiSe 2021/2022:
kl-d1w21-EN  /  kl-d1w21_loes-EN

Retake Written exam in the SoSe 2022:
kl-d1s22-EN  /  kl-d1s22_loes-EN

Anfang der Seite
  Seitenanfang  Impress 2024-05-15, Monika Jampert