Department Mathematik 
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  UHH > Faculties > MIN-Faculty > Mathematics > Staff > Michael Hinze   MathNet-HH - Suche - Hilfe 

Publications of Michael Hinze

Google Scholar Citations
MathSciNet Citations
MathSciNet ID

    Recent material

  1. C. Gräßle, M. Hinze, S. Volkwein: Model Order Reduction by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition.
  2. arXiv:1906.05188 (2019)
  3. C. Gräßle, M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze, T. Keil: Simulation and Control of a Nonsmooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System.
  4. arXiv:1907.04285 (2019)
  5. M. Hinze, H. Kröner: Variational discretization of parabolic control problems on evolving surfaces with pointwise state constraints.
  6. Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik 2016-13, see also arXiv:1604.07658 (2016).


  7. G. Leugering, P. Benner, S. Engell, A. Griewank, H. Harbrecht, M. Hinze, R. Rannacher, S. Ulbrich: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization (Springer link)
  8. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 165, 2014
  9. G. Leugering, S. Engell, A. Griewank, M. Hinze, R. Rannacher, V. Schulz, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich: Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations (Springer link)
  10. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160, 2012
  11. P. Benner, M. Hinze, E. Jan W. ter Maten: Model Reduction for Circuit Simulation (Springer link)
  12. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 74, due February 2011
  13. M. Hinze, Volker Schulz (Editoren): PDE constrained optimization (Wiley link)
  14. GAMM Mitteilungen, Volume 33(2), Wiley (2010).
  15. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich: Optimization with pde constraints (Springer link)
  16. Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications, Volume 23, Springer (2008).

    Chapters in Books

  17. Y. Giga, C.M. Elliott, M. Hinze, V. Styles: Emerging Developments in Interfaces and Free Boundaries
  18. Report No. 6/2017 DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2017/6, G. Huisken (Ed) (2017). Copies by email requests.
  19. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel, U. Matthes, M. Vierling: Model order reduction of integrated circuits in electrical networks.
  20. System Reduction for Nanoscale IC Design Hamburger, Peter Benner (Ed), Mathematics in Industry 20, 2014.
  21. Y. Giga, C.M. Elliott, M. Hinze, V. Styles: Interfaces and Free Boundaries: Analysis, Control and Simulation
  22. Report No. 15/2013 DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2013/15, M. Greuel (Ed) (2013). Copies by email requests.
  23. Y. Giga, C.M. Elliott, M. Hinze, V. Styles: New Directions in Simulation, Control and Analysis for Interfaces and Free Boundaries
  24. Report No. 7/2010 DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2010/7, M. Greuel (Ed) (2010). Copies by email requests.
  25. C.M. Elliott, M. Hinze, V. Styles: Control of free boundaries
  26. Report 08/2007 of Miniworkshop with same title, in Oberwolfach Reports, M. Greuel (Ed) (2007). Copies by email requests.
  27. M. Hinze, S. Volkwein: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Surrogate Models for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Error Estimates and Suboptimal Control
  28. in Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational and Applied Mathematics, P. Benner, V. Mehrmann, D. Sorensen (Eds), 261-306 (2005).
    abstract   pdf-file of former version

    Edited volumes

  29. P. Benner, R. Herzog, M. Hinze, A. Rösch, A. Schiela, V. Schulz: Introduction to the special issue for EUCCO 2013 (Springer link)
  30. Computational Optimization and Applications 62(1):1-3, 2015
  31. P. Benner, H. Faßbender, M. Hinze, T. Stykel, R. Zimmermann: Model reduction of complex dynamical systems (Springer link)
  32. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2018

    Research papers

  33. E. Herberg, M. Hinze, H. Schumacher: Maximal discrete sparsity in parabolic optimal control with measures.
  34. arXiv 1804.10549 (2018), to appear in MCRF.
  35. A. Ahmad Ali, M. Hinze: Reduced basis methods- an application to variational discretization of parametrized elliptic optimal control problems.
  36. SISC, accepted for publication. arXiv:1808.05687 (2018).
  37. N. Kühl, P. M. Müller, A., M. Hinze, T. Rung: Decoupling of Control and Force Objective in Adjoint-Based Fluid Dynamic Shape Optimization.
  38. AIAA Journal (2019), doi:
  39. M. Hinze and T. N. T. Quyen: Iterated total variation regularization with finite element methods for reconstruction the source term in elliptic systems.
  40. arXiv:1901.10278 (2019), to appear in Inverse Problems
  41. C. Gräßle, M. Hinze, J. Lang, S. Ullmann: POD model order reduction with space-adapted snapshots for incompressible flows.
  42. arXiv:1810.03892 (2018), to appear in ACOM.
  43. A. Ahmad Ali,K. Deckelnick, and M. Hinze: Global minima for optimal control of the obstacle problem.
  44. arXiv:1810.03892 (2018), to appear in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (COCV).
  45. M. Hinze, B. Hofmann, T. N. T. Quyen: A variational method for reconstructing the source in elliptic systems from boundary observations.
  46. Numerical Functional Analysis, accepted for publication (2019).
  47. H. Garcke, M. Hinze, C. Kahle: Diffuse interface approaches in atmosphere and ocean - modeling and numerical implementation.
  48. C. Eden, A. Iske (Eds). Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean. Mathematics of Planet Earth, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05704-6.
  49. A. Alla, M. Hinze, O. Lass, P. Kolvenbach, S. Ulbrich: Certified Model Reduction Approach for robust optimal control with PDE constraints.
  50. Adv Comput Math (2019).
    arXiv file
  51. A. Ahmad Ali, M. Hinze, H. Kröner: Optimal control of elliptic surface PDEs with pointwise bounds on the state.
  52. IMA J. Numer Anal, accepted for publication (2018).
  53. N. von Daniels, M. Hinze: Variational discretization of a control-constrained parabolic bang-bang optimal control problem.
  54. J. Comput. Math. 37:361-387 (2019).
  55. C. Gräßle, M. Hinze. POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations.
  56. Advances in Computational Mathematics, accepted for publication (2018).
  57. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze, C. Kahle, T. Keil: A goal-oriented dual-weighted adaptive finite element approach for the optimal control of a nonsmooth Cahn--Hilliard--Navier--Stokes system.
  58. Optimization and Engineering, 2018, online first, DOI 10.1007/s11081-018-9393-6.
    WIAS Preprint 2311
  59. C. Gräßle, M. Hinze, N. Scharmacher. POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard system using spatially adapted snapshots.
  60. Accepted for publication in the ENUMATH 2017 proceedings (2017).
  61. A. Alla, C. Gräßle, M. Hinze: A-posteriori snapshot location for POD in optimal control of linear parabolic equations.
  62. ESAIM: M2AN 52:1847-187 (2018).
  63. H. Garcke, M. Hinze, C. Kahle: Optimal Control of time-discrete two-phase flow driven by a diffuse-interface model.
  64. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (COCV), DOI:
  65. H. Garcke, M. Hinze, C. Kahle, K.F. Lam: A phase field approach to shape optimization in Navier--Stokes flow with integral state constraint.
  66. Adv. Comput. Math., (2018).
  67. J. P. Heners, L. Radtke, M. Hinze, A. Düster: A partitioned approach for adjoint shape optimization in fluid-structure interaction.
  68. J. Comput. Mech. 61:259-276 (2018).
    PDF-file preprint
  69. A. Ahmad Ali, K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Error analysis for global minima of semilinear optimal control problems.
  70. Mathematical Control and related Fields (MCRF) 8 (2018).
    arXiv preprint
  71. M. Hinze, B. Kaltenbacher, T. N. T. Quyen: Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization.
  72. Numer. Math 138:723-765 (2018).
  73. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze, C. Kahle, T. Keil: Fully adaptive and integrated numerical methods for the simulation and control of variable density multiphase flows governed by diffuse interface models.
  74. Springer International Publishing AG 2017, D. Bothe, A. Reusken (eds.), Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces, Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-56602-3_13, 2017.
  75. A. Ahmad Ali, E. Ullmann, M. Hinze: Multilevel Monte Carlo analysis for optimal control of elliptic PDEs with random coefficients.
  76. SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification 5:466-492 (2017).
    arXiv-file and SIAM link
  77. F. Bruckner, C. Abert, G. Wautischer, C. Huber, C. Vogler, M. Hinze, and D. Suess. Solving Large-Scale Inverse Magnetostatic Problems using the Adjoint Method.
  78. Nature: Scientific Reports, volume 7, Article number: 40816, doi:10.1038/srep40816 (2017)
    Open Access
  79. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze, T. Jordan: An optimal shape design problem for plates.
  80. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 55:109-130 (2017).
  81. M. Hinze, Tran Nhan Tam Quyen: Matrix coefficient identification in an elliptic equation with the energy method.
  82. Inverse Problems 32 (2016).
    arXiv preprint
  83. A. Alla, C. Gräßle, M. Hinze: A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations.
  84. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49:13-188, 2016.
  85. A. Ahmad Ali, K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Global minima for semilinear optimal control problems.
  86. Comput. Optim. Appl. 65:261-288 (2016)
    arXiv preprint
  87. H. Garcke, C. Hecht, M. Hinze, C. Kahle, K.F. Lam: Shape optimization for surface functionals in Navier-Stokes flow using a phase field approach.
  88. Interfaces and Free Boundaries 18(2):219-261 (2016)
  89. H. Garcke, M. Hinze, C. Kahle: A stable and linear time discretization for a thermodynamically consistent model for two-phase incompressible flow.
  90. Applied Numerical Mathematics 99:151-171 (2016).
  91. W. Gong, M. Hinze, Z. Zhou: A finite element method for Dirichlet boundary control problems governed by parabolic PDEs.
  92. J. Sci. Comput. 66:941-967 (2016).
  93. H. Garcke, C. Hecht, M. Hinze, C. Kahle: Numerical approximation of phase field based shape and topology optimization for fluids.
  94. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37(4):A1846-A1871 (2015).
  95. N. von Daniels, M. Hinze, M. Vierling: Crank-Nicolson time stepping and variational discretization of control-constrained parabolic optimal control problems.
  96. SIAM J. Control Optim., 53(3), 1182-1198 (2015).
  97. A. Alla, M. Hinze, O. Lass, S. Ulbrich: Model order reduction approaches for the optimal design of permanent magnets in electro-magnetic machines.
  98. IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 242-247.
  99. A. Alla, M. Hinze: HJB-POD feeback control of advection-diffusion equation with a model predictive control snapshot sampling.
  100. IFAC Papers OnLine 48(23):527-532 (2015).
    pdf-file (preprint)
  101. A. Alla, M. Hinze: HJB-POD feedback control for Navier-Stokes equations.
  102. Conference Proceedings of ECMI 2014 (2014).
    pdf-file (preprint)
  103. M. Hinze, M. Köster, S. Turek: Space-Time Newton-Multigrid Strategies for Nonstationary Distributed and Boundary Flow Control Problems.
  104. ISNM 165:383-401 (2014) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05083-6_24.
    pdf-file of former version
  105. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: A-priori error bounds for finite element approximation of elliptic optimal control problems with gradient constraints.
  106. ISNM 165:365-382 (2014) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05083-6_23.
    pdf-file of former version
  107. W. Gong, M. Hinze, Z. Zhou: A priori Error Analysis for Finite Element Approximation of Parabolic Optimal Control Problems with Pointwise Control.
  108. SIAM J. Control Optim. 52(1) (2014)
    pdf-file of a former version
  109. W. Gong and M. Hinze: Error estimates for parabolic optimal control problems with control and state constraints.
  110. Comput. Optim. Appl. 56:131-151 (2013).
    pdf-file of a former version
  111. S. Herkt, M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: Convergence analysis of Galerkin POD for linear second order evolution equations.
  112. ETNA 40:321-337 (2013).
    pdf-file of former version
  113. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze and C. Kahle: An adaptive finite element Moreau-Yosida-based solver for a coupled Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes system.
  114. J. Comput. Phys. 235:810-827 (2013).
  115. K. Deckelnick and M. Hinze: Convergence and error analysis of a numerical method for the identification of matrix parameters in elliptic PDEs.
  116. Inverse Problems 28, doi:10.1088/0266-5611/28/11/115015 (2012).
  117. M. Hinze, M. Vierling: Variational discretization and semi-smooth Newton methods; implementation, convergence and globalization in pde constrained optimzation with control constraints.
  118. Optim. Meth. Software 27:933-950 (2012)
  119. W. Gong, M. Hinze, Z. Zhou: Space-time finite element approximation of parabolic optimal control problems.
  120. J. Numer. Math. 20, 111-146 (2012).
  121. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel, A. Steinbrecher, T. Stykel: Model order reduction of coupled circuit-device systems.
  122. Int. J. Numer. Model. 25:362-377 (2012)
  123. M. Hinze and M. Vierling: Optimal Control of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on compact surfaces - concept and numerical treatment.
  124. J. Comp Math. 30:392-403 (2012)
  125. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: A note on the approximation of elliptic control problems with bang-bang controls.
  126. Comput. Optim. Appl. 51:931-939 (2012).
  127. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze, and R.H.W. Hoppe: Weak-Duality based Adaptive Finite Element Methods for PDE-Constrained Optimization with Pointwise Gradient State-Constraints.
  128. J. Comp. Math. 30:101-123 (2012)
  129. M. Frank, M. Herty, M. Hinze: Time--dependent Closed Loop Control of the Radiative Transfer Equations with Applications in Radiotherapy.
  130. ZAMM 92:8-24 (2012). Pdf-file of Preprint
  131. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel: Residual Based Sampling in POD Model Order Reduction of Drift-Diffusion Equations in Parametrized Electrical Networks.
  132. ZAMM 92:91-104 (2012).Pdf-file of Preprint
  133. M. Hinze, C. Meyer: Stability of semilinear elliptic optimal control problems with pointwise state constraints.
  134. Comput. Optim. Appl. 52:87-114 (2012) Springer Link
  135. K. Deckelnick and M. Hinze: Identification of matrix parameters in elliptic PDEs.
  136. Control and Cybernetics 40:957-969 (2011). pdf-file of preprint
  137. D. Abbeloos, M. Diehl, M. Hinze, S. Vandewalle: Nested multigrid methods for time-periodic, parabolic optimal control problems.
  138. Comput. Visual. Sci. 14:27-38 (2011)
    pdf-file former version
  139. M. Hinze, A. Schiela: Discretization of interior point methods for state constrained elliptic optimal control problems: optimal error estimates and parameter adjustment.
  140. Comput. Optim. Appl. 48:581-600 (2011)
  141. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze and M. H. Tber : An Adaptive Finite Element Moreau-Yosida-Based Solver for a Non-Smooth Cahn-Hilliard Problem.
  142. Optim. Meth. Software 26:777-811 (2011)
  143. A. Günther, M. Hinze: Elliptic Control Problems with Gradient Constraints - Variational Discrete Versus Piecewise Constant Controls.
  144. Comput. Optim. Appl. 49:549-566 (2011).
  145. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Variational Discretization of Parabolic Control Problems in the Presence of Pointwise State Constraints.
  146. J. Comput. Math. 29:1-16 (2011).
  147. M. Hinze and M. Vierling: A globalized semi-smooth Newton method for variational discretization of control constrained elliptic optimal control problems.
  148. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160:171-182, 2011.
  149. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel, M. Vierling: POD Model Order Reduction of Drift-Diffusion Equations in Electrical Networks.
  150. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 74, (2011).
    Pdf-file of Preprint
  151. Michael Hinze, Michael Köster and Stefan Turek: A space-time multigrid method for optimal flow control.
  152. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160:147-170, 2011.
  153. Michael Hinze and Arnd Rösch: Discretization of optimal control problems.
  154. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160:391-431, 2011.
  155. Andreas Günther, Michael Hinze and Moulay Hicham Tber: A Posteriori Error Representations for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with Control and State Constraints.
  156. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160:303-318, 2011.
  157. Michael Hinze and Fredi Tröltzsch: Discrete concepts versus error analysis in pde constrained optimization.
  158. GAMM-Mitt. 33, No. 2, 148-162 (2010).
  159. M. Hinze, C. Meyer: Variational discretization of Lavrentiev-regularized state constrained elliptic optimal control problems.
  160. Comput. Optim. Appl. 46:487-510 (2010).
    pdf-file of WIAS Preprint No. 1168
  161. J. Sternberg, M. Hinze: A memory-reduced implementation of the Newton-CG method in optimal control of non-linear time dependent PDEs.
  162. Optimization Methods and Software 25:553-571 (2010).
    pdf-file of former version
  163. K. Deckelnick, A. Günther, M. Hinze: Finite Element Approximation of Dirichlet Boundary Control for Elliptic PDEs on Two- and Three-Dimensional Curved Domains.
  164. SIAM J. Cont. Optim. 48:2798-2819 (2009).
    associated SPP1253-Preprint
  165. M. Hinze, U. Matthes: A note on variational discretization of elliptic Neumann boundary control.
  166. Control & Cybernetics 38:577-591 (2009).
    pdf-file of former version
  167. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze: A note on an optimal parameter adjustment in a Moreau-Yosida-based approach to state constrained elliptic control problems.
  168. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47:1666-1683 (2009)
    pdf-file of former version
  169. M. Hinze, O. Pätzold, S. Ziegenbalg: Solidification of a GaAs melt - optimal control of the phase interface.
  170. J. Crystal Growth 311:2501-2507 (2009).
    online provider
  171. M. Hinze, N. Yan, Z. Zhou: Variational discretization for optimal control governed by convection dominated diffusion equations.
  172. J. Comput. Math. 27:237-253 (2009)
    pdf-file of preprint
  173. K. Deckelnick, A. Günther, M. Hinze: Finite element approximation of elliptic control problems with constraints on the gradient.
  174. Numer. Math. 111:335-350 (2009).
    pdf-file SPP1253-08-02
  175. A. Günther, M. Hinze: A-posteriori error control of a state constrained elliptic control problem.
  176. J. Numer. Math. 16:307-322 (2008)
    pdf-file SPP1253-08-01
  177. M. Hinze, S. Volkwein: Error estimates for abstract linear-quadratic optimal control problems using proper orthogonal decomposition
  178. Computational Optimization and Applications, 39:319-345, 2008
    pdf-file of former version.
  179. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Convergence of a finite element approximation to a state constrained elliptic control problem.
  180. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 45:1937--1953 (2007).
    pdf-file of Preprint MATH-NM-01-2006, TU Dresden, for a former version
  181. M. Hinze, S. Ziegenbalg: Optimal control of the free boundary in a two-phase Stefan problem with flow driven by convection.
  182. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 87, 430-448 (2007).
    see pdf-file of Preprint SFB609-2-2006 for a former version.
  183. M. Hinze, S. Ziegenbalg: Optimal control of the free boundary in a two-phase Stefan problem
  184. J. Comput. Phys. 223, 657-684 (2007), doi:10.1016/,
    see Preprint SFB609-2-2005, TU Dresden (2005) for a former version.
  185. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: A Second Order Approach to Optimal Semiconductor Design
  186. J. Optimization Theory and Applications 133, 179-200 (2007).
    pdf-file of a preprint
  187. M. Hinze, U. Matthes: Optimal and Model Predictive Control of the Boussinesq Approximation; Part I: Numerical Implementation
  188. ISNM 155, 149-174 (2007).
    pdf-file of Preprint MATH-NM-02-2004
  189. M. Hinze: Control of weakly conductive fluids by near wall Lorentz forces.
  190. Gamm Mitteilungen 30, p. 149-158 (2007), DOI: 10.1002/gamm.200790004.
    abstract   pdf-file of SFB609-Preprint-19-2004
  191. M. Burger, M. Hinze, and R. Pinnau: Optimization Models for Semiconductor Dopant Profiling.
  192. in Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology: Transport Phanomena and Kinetic Theory, Applications to Gases, Semiconductors, Photons, and Biological Systems, Eds. C. Cercignani and E. Gabetta, p. 91--116 (2007).
    pdf-file of former version
  193. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze: A SQP-Semi-Smooth Newton-type Algorithm applied to Control of the instationary Navier-Stokes System Subject to Control Constraints
  194. Siam J. Optim. 16, 1177-1200 (2006).
    abstract   download of preliminary version.
  195. M. Hinze, J. Sternberg, and A. Walther: An optimal memory-reduced procedure for calculating adjoints of the instationary Navier-Stokes equations.
  196. Optimal Control Applications and Methods 27, 19-40 (2006).
    abstract   gzip ps-fileof a preliminary version
  197. G. Bärwolff, M. Hinze: Optimization of semiconductor melts
  198. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 86, 423-437 (2006). pdf-file of former version.
  199. R. Griesse, M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze: Differential Stability of Control Constrained Optimal Control Problems for the Navier-Stokes Equations
  200. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 26, 829-850 (2005).
    pdf-file of former version
  201. M. Hinze: Instantaneous closed loop control of the Navier-Stokes system
  202. revised version in pdf Siam J. Cont. Optim. 44, 564-583 (2005).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of a preliminary version
  203. M. Hinze: A variational discretization concept in control constrained optimization: the linear-quadratic case
  204. revised version in pdf J. Computational Optimization and Applications 30, 45-63 (2005)
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  205. M. Hinze, J. Sternberg: A-Revolve: An adaptive memory- and run-time-reduced procedure for calculating adjoints; with an application to the instationary Navier-Stokes system
  206. Optimization Methods and Software 20, 645-663 (2005),
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  207. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Semidiscretization And Error Estimates For Distributed Control Of The Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations
  208. Numer. Math. 97, 297-320 (2004), revised version in pdf
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  209. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Second Order Methods for Boundary Control of the Instationary Navier-Stokes System
  210. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 84 (3), 171-187 (2004), revised version as gzip ps-file.
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  211. M. Hinze, T. Slawig: Adjoint gradients compared to gradients from algorithmic differentiation in instantaneous control of the Navier-Stokes equations
  212. Optimization Methods and Software 18, 299-315 (2003).
    abstract   Preliminary version TR 735-2002 at TU Berlin as gzip ps-file
  213. M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze: Globalization of SQP-Methods in Control of the Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations
  214. M2AN 36, 725-746 (2002).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  215. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: An Optimal Control Approach to Semiconductor Design
  216. M3AS 12(2002), 89-107.
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  217. M. Hinze, S. Volkwein: Instantaneous control for the instationary Burgers equation - convergence analysis and numerical implementation
  218. Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A. 50, 1-26 (2002).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  219. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Error estimates in space and time for tracking-type control of the instationary Stokes system
  220. ISNM 143, 87-103 (2002) Control and estimation of distributed Parameter systems, Graz 2002.
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  221. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Second order methods for optimal control of time-dependent fluid flow
  222. Siam J. Control and Optim. 40(2001), 925-946
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  223. M. Hinze: A remark on second order methods in control of fluid flow
  224. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 81 Suppl. 3, 791-792 (2001)
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  225. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: Optimal control of the Drift Diffusion Model for semiconductor devices
  226. ISNM 139, 95-106 (2001), Optimal control of complex structures.
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  227. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Three control methods for time - dependent Fluid Flow
  228. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 65, 273-298 (2000).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  229. H. Choi, M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Instantaneous control of backward-facing-step flows
  230. Applied Numerical Mathematics 31, 133-158 (1999).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  231. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann: On a distributed control law with an application to the control of unsteady flow around a cylinder
  232. ISNM, 133, 177-190, Birkhäuser (1999).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  233. M. Hinze: On the Numerical Approximation and Computation of Minimal-Surface-Continua bounded by One-Parameter-Families of Polygonal Contours
  234. Applied Numerical Mathematics 25, 89-116 (1997)
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  235. M. Hinze, Ralf Köcher, Jens Pfafferott: Ein Konzept zur numerischen Simulation von Wärmenetzen
  236. BWK 1/2-97 (1997), Springer VDI-Verlag
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  237. M. Hinze: On the Numerical Approximation of Unstable Minimal Surfaces with Polygonal Boundaries
  238. Numer. Math. 73, 95-118 (1996)
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  239. M. Hinze, Ralf Köcher, Jens Pfafferott: Zur numerischen Simulation von Wärmenetzen
  240. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research Bd. 62 (1996) Nr. 11/12, VDI-Verlag
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  241. M. Hinze: On the Numerical Treatment of Quasiminimal Surfaces
  242. Impact of Computing in Science and Engineering 5, 249-270 (1993)
    abstract   gzip ps-file


  243. C. Gräßle, M. Hinze. The combination of POD model reduction with adaptive finite element methods in the context of phase field models.
  244. PAMM. Volume 17, to appear (2017).

  245. A. Alla, C. Gräßle, M. Hinze. A-posteriori snapshot location for POD in optimal control of linear parabolic equations.
  246. PAMM. Volume 16, Issue 1. 2016, 781-782, see also arXiv:1608.08665 (2016).
  247. Anne Gerdes, Michael Hinze and Thomas Rung: Enhancement of adjoint topology optimization by approximated L1-regularization for promotion of sparse distributed control
  248. PAMM Volume 16, Issue 1, October 2016, Pages: 637–638, Version of Record online : 25 OCT 2016, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610307
  249. Harald Garcke, Michael Hinze and Christian Kahle: Optimal control of time discrete two-phase flow governed by a diffuse interface model
  250. PAMM Volume 16, Issue 1, October 2016, Pages: 785–786, Version of Record online : 25 OCT 2016, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610381
  251. Alessandro Alla, Carmen Gräßle and Michael Hinze: Towards optimal snapshot location for POD model order reduction in optimal control.
  252. ScienceOpenPosters, 2016, DOI: 10.14293/P2199-8442.1.SOP-MATH.PDKGEB.v1
    poster site
  253. Anne Gerdes, Michael Hinze and Thomas Rung: An efficient line search technique and its application to adjoint topology optimisation
  254. PAMM Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2014, Pages: 719–720, Version of Record online : 22 DEC 2014, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410342
  255. Michael Hinze and Christian Kahle: Model Predictive Control of two-phase flow using a diffuse interface approach
  256. PAMM Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2014, Pages: 731–732, Version of Record online : 22 DEC 2014, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410348
  257. Wei Gong, Michael Hinze and Zhaojie Zhou: Residual-based a posteriori error control for Space-time finite element approximations of parabolic optimal control problems
  258. PAMM Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2014, Pages: 877–878, Version of Record online : 22 DEC 2014, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410419
  259. M. Hinze and C. Kahle: Model predictive control of variable density multiphase flows governed by diffuse interface models.
  260. IFAC Proceedings 46-26:127-132 (2013).
  261. M. Hinze, U. Matthes: Model order reduction for networks of ODE and PDE systems.
  262. D. Hömberg and F. Tröltzsch (Eds.): CSMO 2011, IFIP AICT 391, pp. 92-101, 2013.
  263. M. Hinze and C. Kahle: A Nonlinear Model Predictive Concept for Control of Two-Phase Flows Governed by the Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System.
  264. D. Hömberg and F. Tröltzsch (Eds.): CSMO 2011, IFIP AICT 391, pp. 348-357, 2013.
  265. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel, U. Matthes: POD Model Order Reduction of electrical networks with semiconductors modeled by the transient Drift-Diffusion equations.
  266. Proceedings of the ECMI Wuppertal 2010 (2010).
  267. M. Hinze, M. Kunkel: Discrete empirical interpolation in POD Model Order Reduction of Drift-Diffusion Equations in Electrical Networks.
  268. SCEE Proceedings 2010, Toulouse (2010).
  269. K. Deckelnick, A. Günther, M. Hinze: A priori estimates for optimal Dirichlet boundary control problems.
  270. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9(1):611-612, 2009.
  271. K. Deckelnick, A. Günther, M. Hinze: Discrete concepts for elliptic optimal control problems with constraints on the gradient of the state.
  272. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8(1):10863-10864, 2008.
  273. M. Hinze, S. Ziegenbalg: Optimal control of the phase interface during solidification of a GaAs melt.
  274. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200701090 (2008).
  275. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Numerical analysis of a control and state constrained elliptic control problem with piecewise constant control approximations.
  276. Proceedings of the ENUMATH 2007 in Graz.
  277. K. Deckelnick, A. Günther, M. Hinze: Numerical analysis and algorithms in control and state constrained optimization with pdes.
  278. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7(1):1060503-1060504, 2007.
  279. M. Hinze, S. Ziegenbalg: Control of the free boundary in a two-phase Stefan problem with flow driven by convection.
  280. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7(1): 4140027-4140028 (2007).
  281. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: Mathematical Tools in Optimal Semiconductor Design
  282. Proceedings of the 6th MAFPD, Kyoto, September 2004 (2007).
    pdf-file SFB609-Preprint-01-2005
  283. G. Bärwolff, M. Hinze: Boundary control of semiconductor melts
  284. Proceedings of the Algoritmy 2005, pp. 64-72 (2005), pdf-file of a preliminary version.
  285. M. Hinze, D. Wachsmuth: Fast closed loop control of the Navier-Stokes system
  286. Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, 189-201, Eds. H.G. Bock et al., Springer 2004
    abstract   gzip ps-file of a preliminary version
  287. G. Bärwolff, M. Hinze: Optimization of a thermally coupled flow problem
  288. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, No. 4, Vol. 4 (2004), pdf-file of a preliminary version.
  289. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: Optimal error estimates and computations for tracking-type control of the instationary Stokes system
  290. Proceedings of the 18th GAMM-Seminar Leipzig: Multigrid and related methods for optimization problems, 63-75 (2002), see also Preprint MATH-NM-12-2001, Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Technische Universität Dresden (2001)
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  291. M. Hinze: The SQP-method for tracking type control of the instationary Navier-Stokes equations Flow
  292. Proceedings of the Algoritmy 2000, Eds. A. Handlovicova et al..
    abstract   gzip ps-file of a preliminary version
  293. K. Afanasiev, M. Hinze: Adaptive control of a wake flow using proper orthogonal decomposition
  294. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 216, 317-332, Shape Optimization & Optimal Design, Marcel Dekker (2001).
    abstract   gzip ps-file of preliminary version
  295. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Newton's method for tracking-type control of the instationary Navier-Stokes equations
  296. Proceedings of the ENUMATH 99, Eds. P. Neittaanmäki et. al.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  297. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann: Control concepts for parabolic equations with an application to the control of fluid flow
  298. Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II, Simulation, Image Processing, Optimization, and Control, Springer, 228-235 (1999)
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  299. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: On Suboptimal Control Strategies for the Navier-Stokes Equations
  300. ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 4, 1998, 181-198, (1998), see also Preprint No. 568/97, Technische Universität Berlin.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  301. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Control strategies for fluid flows - optimal versus suboptimal control
  302. ENUMATH 97, Eds. H.G.Bock et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 351-358 (1997), see also Preprint No. 573/98, Technische Universität Berlin.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  303. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Suboptimal Control of Fluid Flows
  304. Operations Research Proceedings 1997, Jena, Editors P. Kischka, H.W. Lorenz, U. Derigs, W. Domschke, P. Kleinschmidt, R. Möhring, Springer, see also Preprint No. 567/97, Technische Universität Berlin
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  305. M. Hinze, K. Kunisch: Suboptimal Control Strategies for Backward Facing Step Flows
  306. Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Editor A. Sydow, Vol. 3, 53-58 (1997)
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  307. Günter Bärwolff, Frank Koster, Michael Hinze: A local implicit pressure velocity iteration method for incompressible flow problems
  308. 2nd Seminar Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations, Editors Kozel, K.; Prihoda, J., Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Prague April 3-5 (1996)


  309. M. Hinze, J. Krenciszek, R. Pinnau: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Free Boundary Value Problems.
  310. Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik 2014-17 (2014).
  311. M. Hinze, N. Yan, Z. Zhou: A mixed finite element approximation for optimal control problems with convection-diffusion equations.
  312. Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik 2011-04 (2011).
  313. M. Hinze, M. Köster, S. Turek: A space-time multigrid solver for distributed control of the time-dependent Navier-Stokes system.
  314. Priority Programme 1253, Preprint-Nr.: SPP1253-16-02 (2008).
  315. M. Hinze, M. Köster, S. Turek: A Hierarchical Space-Time Solver for Distributed Control of the Stokes Equation.
  316. Priority Programme 1253, Preprint-Nr.: SPP1253-16-01 (2008).
  317. K. Deckelnick, M. Hinze: A finite element approximation to elliptic control problems in the presence of control and state constraints.
  318. Preprint HBAM2007-01, Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik, Universität Hamburg (2007).
  319. M. Hinze, O. Pfeiffer: Active closed-loop control of weakly conductive fluids
  320. SFB609-Preprint-20-2004, Sonderforschungsbereich 609, Technische Universität Dresden (2004), submitted.
    abstract   pdf-file
  321. M. Hinze, R. Pinnau: Multiple Solutions to a Semiconductor Design Problem
  322. Preprint MATH-NM-14-2003, Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Technische Universität Dresden (2003), submitted.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  323. M. Hinze, D. Wachsmuth: Controller design for the Navier-Stokes system. Part I: Concept and numerical results
  324. Report 11-2003, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin (2003), submitted.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  325. G. Bärwolff, M. Hinze: Optimization of a thermally coupled flow problem - part I: Algorithms and numerical results
  326. Preprint Nr. 15-03, Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin (2003). pdf-file.
  327. M. Hinze: A generalized discretization concept for optimal control problems with control constraints
  328. Preprint MATH-NM-02-2003, Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Technische Universität Dresden (2003), revised version to appear in Computational Optimization and Applications.
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  329. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann: Reduced order Modelling and suboptimal control of a solid fuel ignition model
  330. Preprint No. 636/99, Technische Universität Berlin, (1999).
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  331. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann: The instantaneous control method - convergence analysis for finite dimensional systems
  332. Extended version of Preprint No. 602/98 A new class of feedback laws for dynamical systems, Technische Universität Berlin (1998)
    abstract   Preprint as gzip ps-file   Article as gzip ps-file
  333. M. Hinze, Ralf Köcher, Jens Pfafferott: Numerische Simulation von Wärmenetzen in SMILE
  334. Preprint No. 485/95, Technische Universität Berlin (1995)
    abstract   gzip ps-file
  335. M. Hinze: On the Numerical Approximation and Computation of Minimal-Surface-Continua bounded by One-Parameter-Families of Polygonal Contours SFB 288 PREPRINT No. 175 (1995), Technische Universität Berlin

  336. abstract   gzip ps-file
  337. M. Hinze: On a simple method to compute polygonal minimal surfaces
  338. SFB 288 PREPRINT No. 33 (1992), Technische Universität Berlin
    abstract   gzip ps-file


  339. M. Hinze, O. Pfeiffer: Kontrolle leitfähiger Fluide mit Methoden der mathematischen Optimierung
  340. Bericht des Teilprojekts A3 des Sonderforschungsbereichs 609 'Elektromagnetische Strömungsbeeinflussung in Metallurgie, Kristallzüchtung und Elektrochemie', Technische Universität Dresden (2004)
  341. K.Afanasiev, M. Hinze: Entwicklung von Feedback Controllern für abgelöste Strömungen
  342. Abschlussbericht des Teilprojekts C3 des Sonderforschungsbereichs 557 'Beeinflussung turbulenter Scherströmungen', Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin (2001)
     gzip ps-file
  343. M. Hinze: Steuer- und Regelstrategien für Strömungen
  344. Forschungsbericht der AG Numerik/Funktionalanalysis, Fachbereich Mathematik,Technische Universität Berlin (1998)
    gzip ps-file
  345. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann, A. Köhler, K. Kunisch, F. Liebau, T. Slawig, S. Volkwein, G. Zimmer: Kontrolle turbulenter Scherströmungen - Optimale Steuerung von Gleichungen der Fluiddynamik
  346. Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 8, Abschlussbericht des TP 4 (1997), Technische Universität Berlin
    gzip ps-file
  347. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann, A. Köhler, K. Kunisch, F. Liebau, T. Slawig, S. Volkwein, G. Zimmer: Kontrolle turbulenter Scherströmungen - Optimale Steuerung von Gleichungen der Fluiddynamik
  348. Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 8, Zwischenbericht des TP 4 (1996), Technische Universität Berlin
  349. Günter Bärwolff, Michael Hinze, Frank Koster: Incompressible Navier-Stokes Calculations with Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions
  350. Report, Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 8, Technical University Berlin, 1995
    gzip ps-file
  351. M. Hinze: On a simple and reliable Method to compute all Roots of a Vector-Function with an Application to the Minimal Surface Problem for Polygons
  352. Technische Universität Berlin (1995)
  353. M. Hinze, A. Kauffmann, A. Köhler, K. Kunisch, F. Liebau, T. Slawig, S. Volkwein, G. Zimmer: Kontrolle turbulenter Scherströmungen - Optimale Steuerung von Gleichungen der Fluiddynamik
  354. Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 8, Zwischenbericht des TP 4 (1995), Technische Universität Berlin
  355. M. Hinze: Entwicklung rechnergestützter Simulationshilfsmittel zur Beschreibung des Betriebsverhaltens komplexer energiewandelnder Systeme
  356. Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 4, Zwischenbericht des TP E (1992), Technische Universität Berlin
  357. K.H. Dehmel, M. Hinze: Entwicklung rechnergestützter Simulationshilfsmittel zur Beschreibung des Betriebsverhaltens komplexer energiewandelnder Systeme
  358. Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt 4, Zwischenbericht des TP E (1991), Technische Universität Berlin

    Theses and course materials

  359. M. Hinze: Optimal and instantaneous control of the instationary Navier-Stokes equations
  360. Habilitation thesis (2000), Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin
    gzip ps-file 1.4 mb   pdf-file 2.7 mb
  361. M. Hinze: On the Numerical Treatment of Minimal Surfaces with Polygonal Boundaries
  362. PhD thesis (1994), Technische Universität Berlin
  363. M. Hinze: Zur numerischen Behandlung des Marx-Shiffmanschen Randwertproblems
  364. Diploma thesis (1990), Universität Bonn
  365. M. Hinze: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen für Ingenieure
  366. Course for Applied Mathematicians and Engineers on numerics of pdes, in German language
    pdf-file 0.9 mb
  367. M. Hinze: Numerik - eine problemangepaßte Einführung
  368. Course on basics of numerical mathematics, in German language
    pdf-file 0.7 mb

 Seitenanfang  Impressum 2006-07-31, Michael Hinze