
BPS state counting, stability structures and derived algebraic geometry

Summer School, University of Hamburg, 31.8.–4.9.2009


Loeser: Introduction to the motivic Milnor fiber

Talk 1: After a review of the topological Milnor fiber, we shall present the construction of the motivic Milnor fiber and its relation with Hodge spectrum.

Talk 2: We shall construct the motivic convolution operator and state motivic Thom-Sebastiani. We shall present three different generalizations of motivic Thom-Sebastiani obtained in joint work with Guibert and Merle.

Macri: Derived categories and quivers

We will discuss some examples for Stellari's talk by using (and introducing) quiver representations.


Talk 1: What is a BPS state?
Abstract: I will describe the notion of "BPS state" as it is understood by physicists in terms of supersymmetric quantum field theory, how generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants are physically defined in terms of BPS states, and what "wall-crossing" means in this context.

Talk 2: Hitchin systems and quantum field theory.
Abstract: I will describe the general relation between supersymmetric quantum field theories and integrable systems, and a specific example of such a quantum field theory which corresponds to a Hitchin system.

Talk 3: BPS states and wall-crossing in Hitchin systems.
Abstract: I will give a description of the hyperkahler structure on the Hitchin system, in which the BPS states of the corresponding quantum field theory play a crucial role. By investigating this description closely we will see the wall-crossing formula of Kontsevich and Soibelman emerge naturally.


Talk 1: Poisson automorphisms and quiver moduli
The definition of quiver representations, their moduli spaces, and their Hall algebras is reviewed. Formulas for the cohomology of quiver moduli are derived from identities in the Hall algebra. Then a map from part of the Hall algebra to a group of Poisson automorphisms of a formal power series ring is constructed, expressing certain identities in this group via quiver moduli.

Talk 2: Functional equations for quiver moduli and integrality
The study of the cohomology of quiver moduli is continued, deriving functional equations relating their Euler characteristic. Via some elementary number theory, this is used to derived integrality properties of some wall-crossing DT-invariants of Kontsevich and Soibelman.

Soibelman: Lecture course on motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants

Abstract: Aim of my lectures is to explain our joint work with Maxim Kontsevich in which we suggested a general approach to Donaldson-Thomas type invariants ("count of BPS states and refined BPS states" in the language of physics). It is based on the ideas of non-commutative derived algebraic geometry and motivic integration.

Talk 1: Motivation, A-infinity and Calabi-Yau categories with ind-constructible structure. Stability conditions and the counting problem.

Talk 2: Motivic Hall algebras, orientation data, motivic weights and motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants.

Talk 3: Quasi-classical limit and integrality conjecture, numerical DT-invariants and stability data on graded Lie algebras and wall-crossing formulas.

Talk 4: Cohomological Hall algebras and motivic DT-invariants. If time permits, I am going to discuss the relation to complex integrable systems, cluster transformations and tropical geometry.

Stellari: Derived categories and stability structures (Printer-friendly version)

We recall the notion of t-structure on the bounded derived category of an abelian category A. Then we define Bridgeland's stability conditions with particular emphasis to two examples: smooth curves and K3 surfaces. Finally Bridgeland's definition is compared to the one of Kontsevich-Soibelman.

Szendroi: Some q-deformed Donaldson-Thomas partition functions

I will explain how to define, and in some cases compute, q-deformed Donaldson-Thomas invariants, mostly in the quiver context. Examples will include the Hilbert scheme of C^3 and the non-commutative Hilbert scheme of the conifold. Some of this is joint work with Behrend and Bryan.


In this talk, I will show that the wall-crossing phenomena implies MNOP's rationality conjecture of DT-invariants. Then I will explain the strong version of the rationality conjecture proposed by Pandharipande and Thomas, and show that the strong rationality conjecture is equivalent to the multi-covering formula of Joyce's generalized DT-invariants. I will also give some examples in which multi-covering formula is satisfied, hence the strong rationality is also satisfied.