Heena PatelDoctoral ResearcherAddressUniversity of HamburgFaculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural SciencesDepartment of MathematicsAM – Applied MathematicsContactEmail: heena.patel"AT"uni-hamburg.deCV Since 2019 PhD student at CLICCS/CEN at Universität Hamburg 2018–2019 Intern at Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany 2016–2018 Master of Science in Computational Engineering and Technical Physics at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland 2013–2016 Adhoc Lecturer at Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology, India 2011–2013 Lecturer at C.G.P.I.T, Uka Tarsadi University, India 2009–2011 Master of Science in Mathematics at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, India 2006–2009 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Sir P. T. Sarvajanik College of Science, India Research Multiscale Finite element method Semi-Lagrangian schemes Advection-Diffusion Equation Subgrid model for canopies representation in climate model PublicationsFunctions Research Associate for the CLICCS Project A3 – Canopies in the Earth System Secretary of Student Chapter Hamburg