Structured Ring Spectra - TNG

time Monday, August 1 Tuesday, August 2 Wednesday, August 3 Thursday, August 4 Friday, August 5
9:30-10:30h Schwede Devinatz Schwede Dundas Barnes/Roitzheim
11:00-11:30h Østvær Torii Bauer Hill Ramras
11:30-12h Betley Malm GanterWhitehouse
14:00-15:00h Hovey Shipley Hovey Hess Sagave
coffee excursion coffee
15:30-16:30h Naumann Bruner Gerhardt Henn
16:45-17:15h Johnson Szymik Shamir Schlichtkrull
17:15-17:45h Harper Stojanoska Morava
18-? bell-show

All talks take place in lecture hall H1, Geomatikum, Bundesstrasse 55. There are rather nice blackboards in that lecture hall, a beamer and projectors.

Unfortunately, we don't have the possibility to have posters on display. If you don't give a talk, you could (should?) say something about your recent work during the bell-show. Here, every participant has 10 minutes for a presentation. The bell-show speakers are: Moritz Groth (Some monoidal aspects of derivators), Georg Biedermann (Model structures for Goodwillie calculus), Anssi Lahtinen (String topology of BG), Michael Ching (Classification of Goodwillie towers), Rosona Eldred (Localization, suspension and Goodwillie calculus), Lennart Meier (Modules over Topological modular forms), David Gepner, Daniel Davis (A Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence for discrete G-spectra).


