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Zeitplanänderungen / Schedule changes

Damit Sie immer auf dem Laufenden sind, finden Sie hier alle Änderungen zum gedruckten Zeitplan. Sämtliche Änderungen sind natürlich auch im Sektionszeitplan, dem Zeitplan der Minisymposien und dem Zeitplan der Studierenkonferenz enthalten.

In order to be always up-to-date, you will find all changes to the printed schedule on this website. All changes are also included into the Section Schedule, the Minisymposia Schedule and the Schedule of the Students' Conference.

Dienstag / Tuesday Listed in the printed schedule... is now...
10:30-11:30 Hörsaal C MS#4 Kutyniok,
Optimal Compressive Imaging for Fourier Data
MS#4 Lemvig,
On the frame set conjecture for B-splines in Gabor analysis
11:30-12:00 Hörsaal M MS#20 Wilke,
Rayleigh-Taylor instability for the two-phase Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension in cylindrical domains.
The event will not take place.
14:30-15:00 W122 MS#32 Fischer,
Bounding, splitting and almost disjointness can be quite different
MS#32 Tanasie,
The lifting problem and generalized oracle-cc
15:55-16:15 W221 Section 9 Susu, Meyer,
Analysis and optimal control of a gradient enhanced damage model
Section 9 Hinze, Jordan,
Finite element analysis of Free Material Optimization problems
16:55-17:15 W221 Section 9 Steinig,
A Posteriori Error Estimation for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
Section 9 Ludovici, Neitzel, Wollner,
Error estimates for nonstationary optimal control problems with state constraints
17:45-18:45 Hörsaal A Sandstede,
Turing patterns: past and present
Panorama der Mathematik
17:45-18:45 Hörsaal M Ziegler,
Panorama der Mathematik

The event is moved to Hörsaal A.
16:55-17:15 O112 Studierendenkonferenz Kant,
Kardinalzahlfolgen in ZFC
Studierendenkonferenz Litza,
Distributed Computing using Combinatorial Topology

Mittwoch / Wednesday
10:30-10:50 O112 Studierendenkonferenz Litza,
Distributed Computing using Combinatorial Topology
Studierendenkonferenz Linke,
Architektonische Meisterwerke - ein Projekt im Mathematikunterricht
11:00-11:30 W222 MS#36 Hadeler,
Quiescent Phases and Differential Delay Equations
The event will not take place.
14:00-14:30 Hörsaal H MS#10 Adamaszek,
Vietoris -- Rips dynamics on the circle
The event is shifted to Thu 11:30.
14:00-14:40 W223 MS#2 Myasnikov,
Model Theory and Complexity of Free Solvable Groups with applications to cryptography
The event will not take place.
15:35-15:55 W221 Section 9 Hinze, Jordan,
Finite element analysis of Free Material Optimization problems
Section 9 Susu, Meyer,
Analysis and optimal control of a gradient enhanced damage model
15:55-16:15 W221 Section 9 Ludovici, Neitzel, Wollner,
Error estimates for nonstationary optimal control problems with state constraints
Section 9 Meyer,
A Posteriori Error Estimation for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
15:55-16:15 Hörsaal J Section 7 Odefey,
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi und sein Verhältnis zur Musik
Section 7
The event will not take place.
15:55-16:15 Hörsaal M Section 2 Madsen,
(Special) geometry defined by 4-forms in dimension 8
Section 2
The event will not take place.
16:55-17:15 W221 Section 9 Gil, Struckmeier,
Kinetic-Induced Moment System for non-linear balance laws
Section 9 Heitmann,
Newton-like iterations beyond the Kung-Traub conjecture

Donnerstag / Thursday
10:30-10:50 O112 Studierendenkonferenz Linke,
Architektonische Meisterwerke - ein Projekt im Mathematikunterricht
Studierendenkonferenz Kant,
Kardinalzahlfolgen in ZFC
10:30-11:10 W223 MS#6 Chen,
Risk-shifting & optimal asset allocation in life insurance: The impact of regulation
MS#6 Hieber,
Risk-shifting & optimal asset allocation in life insurance: The impact of regulation
11:30-12:00 Hörsaal H MS#10 Johansen,
Visualizing and finding automorphisms of graph algebras
MS#10 Adamaszek,
Vietoris -- Rips dynamics on the circle
11:30-12:00 W120 MS#24 Fasel,
Cohomological detection of complete intersections
MS#24 Röndigs,
Algebraic K-theory of motivic spaces
12:30-15:00 Hörsaal A Mittagsseminar announced 12:00-15:00
Mathematik in Industrie und Gesellschaft
Mittagsseminar 12:30-15:00
Mathematik in Industrie und Gesellschaft
15:15-15:35 Hörsaal M Section 2 Nardmann,
The higher-dimensional positive mass theorem for non-spin manifolds
Section 2
The event will not take place.
16:15-16:35 W221 Section 9 Heitmann,
Newton-like iterations beyond the Kung-Traub conjecture
Section 9 Gil, Struckmeier,
Kinetic-Induced Moment System for non-linear balance laws
17:45-18:35 W222 MS#23 Lytvynov,
A moment problem for random discrete measures
MS#23 Vinnikov,
Multievolution scattering systems and interpolation problems on the polydisc
17:45-18:15 W220 Event is not listed. MS#29 Grunau,
Minimising a relaxed Willmore functional for graphs subject to Dirichlet boundary condition
18:15-18:45 W220 Event is not listed. MS#29 Lienstromberg,
On qualitative properties of solutions to microelectromechanical systems with general Permittivity
18:15-18:45 Hörsaal M MS#16 Knoth,
Compressible atmospheric modelling on unstructured grids
The event will not take place.

Freitag / Friday
10:30-11:30 O122 MS#30 Drmota,
Random Sub-Critical Graph Classes
was announced as 10:30-11:00
MS#30 Drmota,
Random Sub-Critical Graph Classes
will take place from 10:30-11:30
11:30-12:00 O122 MS#30 Stufler,
Scaling limits of unlabelled trees
MS#30 Fountoulakis,
A phase transition on the evolution of bootstrap percolation processes on preferential attachment graphs
12:00-12:30 O122 MS#30
No talk announcement.
MS#30 Stufler,
Scaling limits of unlabelled trees
11:30-12:00 W120 MS#24 Röndigs,
Algebraic K-theory of motivic spaces
MS#24 Fasel,
Cohomological detection of complete intersections
12:00-12:30 Hörsaal K MS#19 Massopust,
Fractional cone and hex splines
MS#19 Diederichs,
Parameter Estimation for Bivariate Exponential Sums

  zurück Seitenanfang  Impressum 2015-09-25, BL, wwwmath