Introduction to Higgs bundles, University of Hamburg,
Summer Term 2018
Lecturers: Murad Alim and Florian Beck
This is an advanced graduate course for master and phd
students as well as researchers who are interested in
Higgs bundles. In particular the course will serve as a
preparation for the GRK summer school on Higgs bundles.
The course description can be found here.
A good working knowledge of complex geometry as well as
familiarity with algebraic geometry are required.
Topics of the course:
1-Review of complex and Kähler geometry
2-Hyperkähler manifolds
3-Moduli of bundles
4-Higgs bundles
The lectures will take place in Geomatikum in the period
from September 4th until September 7th, there will be two
sessions on September 4-6 from 10:15-12 and from 13:15 to
15:00 as well as one session on September 7th from
10:15-12, all taking place in Geomatikum H3.
A good introductory
reference are the lecture notes of Andrew Neitzke which
can be found here.
background material for the course can be found in:
[GH78] Phillip Griffiths and Joseph Harris. Principles
of algebraic geometry. Wiley-Interscience
[John Wiley & Sons], New York, 1978. Pure and
Applied Mathematics.
[Wel08] Raymond O. Wells, Jr. Differential
analysis on complex manifolds,
volume 65 of Graduate Texts in
Mathematics. Springer, New York, third
edition, 2008. With a new appendix by Oscar Garcia-
Sessions this term: