Research Topics
Dynamics of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Pattern Formation, nonlinear waves, stability
Heteroclinic and homoclinic bifurcations
Applications, e.g. in geophyscial flow, ecology, spintronic materials
Projects and grants
DFG Research Training Group GRK2583 "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications", new project M4
DFG Collaborative Research Center SFB TRR 181 “Energy transfers in ocean and atmosphere, project areas M2, T5, S1 in third phase
DFG collaborative research center TRR181 first phase project M2, second phase projects M1, M2, M7
DFG Research Training Group π3 “Parameter identification”, project areas first phase R2, second phase R1
DFG grant RA 27288/1-1 "Ergodic theory of nonlinear waves in discrete and continuous excitable media” (2016-2020)
“Research orientation in Bsc mathematics (ForMath)", within program “ForstAintegriert” at University of Bremen (2017-2019)
“Stability boundaries of wavetrains” within “Nonlinear dynamics of natural systems (NDNS)" program of the Durch research fund (NWO) (2012-2014)
"Critical transitions and early-warning signals in spatial ecosystems", within complexity program of Durch research fund (NWO) (2011-2015)