Written Work

Monographs (0+1)

To Appear (2024+)

(with: K. Heuer) Forschend Mathematik erleben: Zehn mathematische Entdeckungsreisen. Springer Spektrum, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. In preparation, contract signed. (in German; title translated to English: "Experiencing Mathematics via research: ten mathematical journeys of discovery".)

Articles in major journals with peer-review. (11+0)

Published / Forthcoming

Articles in Books, Conference Proceedings and smaller journal articles, peer-reviewed (10+0)



Other Papers (8+0) not peer reviewed
Submitted / in RnR (8) Titles will be announced after acceptance in case of blind review
In Prep (8)
Preprint (1)
Reports (2)
Scientific Qualification Work (4)