I am Deniz Sarikaya a postdoctoral researcher within the FWO-project "The Epistemology of Big Data: Mathematics and the Critical Research Agenda on Data Practices" (PIs P. Allo and K. Franҍois, both Vrije Universiteit Brussel) as well as a postdoctoral researcher of the Ethical innovation Hub of the Universität zu Lßbeck" (Chair C. Herzog)
I was shortly a postdoctoral researcher funded by the DAAD-Kurzzeitstipendium with the project Theoretical virtues of conjectures and open questions in mathematical practice. (Hosts at the University of Copenhagen: Henrik Kragh Sørensen and Mikkel Willum Johansen. Host at Technical University of Denmark - DTU: Karl Heuer)
I finished my PhD in Philosophy (and the moral sciences) under the supervision of Ulrich Gähde (Hamburg) and Bart van Kerkhove (Brussels) at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation) with additional ideal support by the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung. This project is augmented through a stay at the ETH Zurich, digital visits of the Institute for Basic Science of Korea and the VaViM Project.
I studied philosophy (MA 2016, BA 2012) and mathematics (MSc 2019, BSc 2015) at the UHH focusing on philosophy of science | mathematics, logic and discrete mathematics. These studies were augmented through stays at the Institute for Logic Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Universitat de Barcelona and a term as a visiting student researcher at the University of California Berkeley and a research internship at the University of British Columbia.
My main areas of interests are (general) Philosophy of Science: Science and Society (Wertedebatte, Wissenschaft und Demokratie), Structuralism and âMathematics from all perspectives: I am working in Philosophy of Mathematics (esp. Philosophy of Mathematical Practice), think about Mathematics from a linguistic perspective, work in Mathematics Didactics, i.e. promoting mathematically gifted youth and I like doing mathematics when I have some spare time (esp. to think about extremal combinatorics).
I would like to know more about: Artificial Intelligence (AI Safety, Machine Learning and its bounds, ethical questions, ...), Mathematical logic (all kinds but esp. Proof Theory and (Models of) Set Theory), Formal Sciences and Agents (Social Choice Theory, Decision Theory, Game Theory), Philosophy of Physics, ....
For me Philosophy is a cooperative endeavor, that is why I am trying to write with co-authors and always looking for people to organize, write, debate, analyze, ... something with. Same holds for social projects, esp. concerning promoting gifted youth and science communication.
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Some Interviews and such: