Additional events for Enrichment activities with children are listed here.
I am continiously (co)-organizing:
EXUNMA: Explanation and Understanding with(in) Mathematics (January 16, 2022)
Formalize!(?) - 2 (January 15, 2022)
Logic – A World of Interdisciplinary Science (2) (Online/Dutsin-Ma, 14 January 2022)
WLD Haifa: Paths in Logic (Online/Haifa, January 13, 2022)
Wittgenstein and the formal sciences (Online/Paris, 11 January 2022)
Thinking about Proofs: formal, philosophical, linguistical and educational perspectives (27. September 2021)
Scientific impartiality and marginalized groups (Online/Salzburg, 10. September 2021) Affiliated Workshop to the SOPhia 2021.
TDPhiMa2: Text-Driven Approaches to the Philosophy of Mathematics 2 (Online/Essen, 1. - 3. September 2021)
Disagreements in Mathematics (Online, 19. - 20. June 2021)
Problem Posing for mathematically gifted children (Online, 22. - 23. January 2021)
Formalize !?. (Zurich/Online, 16. Januar 2021)
Logic & Phil of Math in the evening*. *CET. (Konstanz/Online, 14. January 2021)
31th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (Online/Berlin, 26. - 28. November 2020)
Online Masterclass: Lakatos’s Undone WorkThe practical turn and the division of Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science (5. - 6. September 2020, Online/London)
Hamburg Set Theory Workshop 2020: Descriptive Set Theory, Forcing and the Reals. (Hamburg/Online, 20 - 21 June 2020)
TDPhiMa: Text-driven Approaches to the Philosophy of Mathematics (Prag, 07.08.2019), Contributed symposium to the CLMPST 2019
DMV-Studierendenkolleg: UnDecidability (Hamburg, 29. - 30.06.2018)
Foundations in Mathematics: Modern Views (Munich, 04. – 07.04.2018)
Ouroboros. Formal Criteria of Self-Reference in Mathematics and Philosophy (Bonn, 16. – 18.02.2018)
Philosophische Fragen der Flüchtlingssituation [Philosophical Questions of the refugee crisis] (Berlin, 23. - 25.06.17)
Humboldt-Kolleg Proof Theory as Mathesis Universalis (Loveno di Menaggio, Como, Italy; 24. - 28.07.17)
FOMUS: Foundations of Mathematics - Univalient Foundations and Set Theory (Bielefeld, 18. – 23.07.16)
International Summer Academy 2015 - Transnational Organisierte Kriminalität und ihre Herausforderungen [Transnational Crime and its challenges for society] (Berlin, 22. – 29.08.15)
Unfehlbarkeit durch Formalismus? [Infallibility by Formalism?] (Bonn, 13. - 15.03.15)
Formal Methods in Narratology (Hamburg, 08. – 10.03.13)
Forecasting in Science and Economy (Mannheim, 07. – 09.09.12)