Positions |
07.24 – today: |
postdoctoral researcher at the Ethical Innovation Hub of the Universität zu Lübeck.
(PI Chr. Herzog)
10.22 – today: |
postdoctoral researcher within the FWO-project
The Epistemology of Big Data: Mathematics and the Critical Research Agenda on Data Practices
(PIs P. Allo and K. Franҫois, both Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
01.23 – 05.23 |
postdoctoral researcher funded by the DAAD-Kurzzeitstipendium with the project
Theoretical virtues of conjectures and open questions in mathematical practice.
(Hosts at the University of Copenhagen: Henrik Kragh Sørensen and Mikkel Willum Johansen. Host at Technical University of Denmark - DTU: Karl Heuer)
Education |
10.18 – 09.22: |
PhD-Project in Philosophy in the area of Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
at the
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science
of the
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (the project started at the University of Hamburg).
Bart van Kerkhove (Brussels) and
U. Gähde (Hamburg)
10.10 – 09.18: |
Study of Mathematics at the University of Hamburg: M.Sc. (2019) and B.Sc. (2015)
10.10 – 09.16: |
Study of Philosophy at the University of Hamburg: M.A., with distinction (2016) and B.A. (2012)
10.07 – 09.10: |
Early study program at the University of Hamburg (54 ECTS)
09.01 – 07.10: |
High school certificate (Abitur) at the Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium (Hamburg)
International Experience and research stays (one month or longer) |
05.24 – 05.24: |
Visiting Researcher at the Philosophical Department
at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain.
Host: J. Fairhurst
03.24 – 04.24: |
Visiting Researcher at the Ethics in Innovation Hub
at the Universität zu Lübeck, Germany.
Host: Chr. Herzog
10.23 – 12.23: |
Visiting Researcher of the Ethics in IT Group
of the University of Hamburg, Germany.
Host: J. Simon
06.21 – 08.21: |
Remote visit of the VaViM Project - Virtues and Vices in Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NLD.
Host: C. Rittberg
(digital, due to Covid-19)
10.20 – 11.20: |
Remote Visiting researcher Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences in the Pioneer Research Institute for Basic Science (KOR) (digital, due to Covid-19)
11.18 – 12.18: |
Academic Guest at the ETH Zurich, CH. Host:
R. Wagner
08.15 – 12.15: |
Visiting student researcher University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Host: P. Mancosu
02.15 – 06.15: |
Semester abroad: Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (Study path: M.A. Analytical Philosophy)
06.13 – 08.13: |
Research internship (six weeks) in the project Combinatorics of polytopes and fans at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Advisor:
J. González and K. Karu (PI)
02.13 – 06.13: |
Semester abroad: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands (Study path: M.Sc. Logic)
Scholarships and Other Support |
10.18 – 09.22: |
PhD-Scholarship by the German National Merit Foundation
(Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), includes ideational support and financial scholarship
10.18 – 10.21: |
Dissertationplus scholarship by the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung. Ideational support
10.10 – 09.18: |
German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) (SdV) (03.11-09.18)
and Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (HBS) (10.10-03.16), includes Ideational support and financial scholarship
04.16 – 03.18: |
Master scholarship by the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung. Ideational support and financial scholarship
09.06 – 10.10: |
START-Scholarship. Program for gifted learners from immigrant families, includes ideational and financial support
Other scholarships / ideal support includes: |
Ditze scholarship, Erasmus, GAIN-Conference Scholarship (participation fees), Geh‘ deinen Weg, Hamburglobal scholarship (twice),
Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur (Travel grant), Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Student (OWLG), RISE-Scholarship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),
Schotstek, Technical University Munich Mathematic Scholarship, William Stern Gesellschaft (WSG) (Courses for mathematically gifted pupils at the UHH)