Editorial Work: Journals (2+3+2)

I am (co) Section editor for Philosophy of Science of Open Philosophy (DeGruyter).

To be proposed:


In Preparation (2023+)

(with J. A. Pérez Escobar) Special Issue of Global Philosophy on Mathematical neutrality in science, technology and society.

Authors: Benjamin Braun, Claudio Fontanari, Matthew Inglis, Jacob Strauss, Silvia De Toffoli, Roy Wagner, Simon Weisgerber, more TBA

In Preparation (2023+)

(with B. Fisseni, D. Kant and B. Schröder) Topical Collection of Synthese on Linguistically Informed Philosophy of Mathematics.

Authors: Osman Gazi Birgül, Laura Caponetto, Merlin Carl, Bernhard Fisseni, Michael Friedman, Mikkel Willum Johansen, Jemma Lorenat, Sophie Kjeldbjerg Mathiasen, Luca San Mauro, Oisín Parkinson-Coombs, Rafael Núñez, Richard Samuels, Bernhard Schröder, Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Stewart Shapiro, Eric Snyder, Giorgio Venturi, Roy Wagner, Keith Weber (more TBA)

In Preparation (2023+)

(with C. J. Rittberg) Topical Collection of Axiomathes / Global Philosophy on Disagreement in Mathematics.

Authors: Andrew Aberdein, Thorsten Altenkirch, Paul Ernest, Silvia De Toffoli, Joachim Frans, Claudio Fontanari, Aviad Heifetz, Eugenie Hunsicker, Benedikt Löwe, Graham Priest, Collin Rittberg, Bart Van Kerkhove, Roy Wagner, more TBA


Appeared (10/2024)

Special Issue of Philosophical Investigations 47, (4) on Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mathematics.

Authors: Ásgeir Berg, Kai Michael Büttner, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar, Hans-Johann Glock, Pen Maddy, Felix Mühlhölzer, John Mumma, Frank Scheppers, Wim Vanrie, and Karim Zahidi.

(with H. Pillin and S. Nagler) Special Issue Band 36 Heft 2 of KRITERION – Journal of Philosophy on Lakatos Undone Work: The Practical Turn and the Division of Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science.

Authors: Eugene Y. S. Chua, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar, Pablo Rivas-Robledo, Ellen Yunjie Shi, Wei Zeng.

Editorial Work: Volumes (4+5+4)

In Preparation:

In Prepation (2024+)

  • (with Joachim Frans & Karen Francois) On Explanations in Mathematics (planned with Synthese Library)
  • (Jordi Fairhurst, José Antonio Perez-Escobar, and Mira Sarikaya) On Respect and AI.
  • (Jordi Fairhurst, José Antonio Perez-Escobar, and Paul Ernest) On Ethics and Math Education (of Research level Mathematics).
  • (Mira Sarikaya) On the Applicability of Philosophy


Contract signed: (with Mira Sarikaya) Rethinking Boundaries in Philosophy: Culture, Traditions, Geography. Palgrave Macmillan, 2025+

Authors: TBA

Contract signed: (with Mira Sarikaya) Rethinking Philosophical Traditions. Palgrave Macmillan, 2025+

Authors: TBA

Contract signed: (with José Antonio Perez-Escobar) Mathematical tools in the life sciences: describing, explaining, understanding, and operating. Book series: History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences Springer, 2025+

Authors: TBA

Contract signed: (with Deborah Kant, José Antonio Perez-Escobar, and Mira Sarikaya) Mathematicians at Work: Empirically Informed Philosophy of Mathematics. Book series: Synthese Library Springer, 2025+

Authors: TBA

Contract signed From Mathematical Riddles to Research: What Makes a Problem Good. Book series: Trends in the History of Science. Birkhäuser-Science, 2025+

Authors: TBA

(with L. Baumanns, K. Heuer and B. Rott) Problem Posing and Mathematical Giftedness: Insights into current research. Springer-Spektrum, 2023.

Authors: Sarel Aiber, Yonah Amir, Aamer Badarneh, Lukas Baumanns, Abraham Berman, Eszter Bóra, Merlin Carl, Jason Cooper, Menucha Farber, Michael Gorodin, Orly Gottlib, Esther Gruenhut, Fatmeh Hihi, Péter Juhász, Boris Koichu, Igor' Kontorovich, Uwe Leck, Roza Leikin, Hinrich Lorenzen, Ahlam Mahagna, Terese M. O. Nielsen, Marianne Nolte, Malte Pamperien, Michael Schmitz, Kathrin Vorhölter, and Mirela Widder.


(with B. Löwe) 60 years DVMLG. College Publications, 2022

Content can be found for free (OA) at the Homepage of the DVMLG.

Authors: Wolfgang Bibel, Vasco Brattka, Elke Brendel, Bernd Buldt, Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus, Wilfrid Hodges, Deborah Kant, Anke Kell, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki, Benedikt Löwe, Wolfram Pohlers, Deniz Sarikaya, Thomas Streicher, Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Paul van Ulsen, and Stan Wainer.

(with S. Centrone and D. Kant) Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Synthese Library, Springer, Berlin, 2019. Pages (XXVIII, 494)

Reviewed in: Philosophia Mathematica by Hans-Christoph Kotzsch, Studia Logica by Matteo De Ceglie

Authors: Benedikt Ahrens, Thorsten Altenkirch, Neil Barton, Anthony Bordg, Nathan Bowler, Ulrik Buchholtz, Merlin Carl, Stefania Centrone, Mirna Džamonja, Bernhard Fisseni, Sy-David Friedman, Laura Fontanella, Michèle Friend, Deborah Kant, Ansten Klev, Lawrence C. Paulson, Graham Priest, Penelope Maddy, Paige R. North, Andrei Rodin, Giovanni Sambin, Deniz Sarikaya, Martin Schmitt, Bernhard Schröder, Claudio Ternullo, Roy Wagner and Philip D. Welch

(with S. Centrone, S. Negri and P. Schuster) Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof. Synthese Library, Springer, Berlin, 2019. Pages (X, 374)

Authors: Enno Aufderheide, Steve Awodey, Matthias Baaz, Joseph Berger, Ulrich Berger, Riccardo Bruni, Stefania Centrone, Hajime Ishihara, Gerhardt Jäger, Roman Kuznets, Godehard Link, Jan von Plato, Klaus Mainzer, Pierluigi Minari, Takako Nemoto, Thomas Powell, Dag Prawitz, Michael Rathjen, Helmut Schwichtenberg, Gregor Svindland, Michael Toppel and Daniel Wessel