I am (co) Section editor for Philosophy of Science of
Open Philosophy (DeGruyter).
In Preparation (2023+)
(with J. A. Pérez Escobar) Special Issue of Global Philosophy on Mathematical neutrality in science, technology and society.
In Preparation (2023+)
(with B. Fisseni, D. Kant and B. Schröder) Topical Collection of Synthese on Linguistically Informed Philosophy of Mathematics.
In Preparation (2023+)
(with C. J. Rittberg) Topical Collection of Axiomathes / Global Philosophy on Disagreement in Mathematics.
Appeared (10/2024)
Special Issue of Philosophical Investigations 47, (4) on Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mathematics.
(with H. Pillin and S. Nagler) Special Issue Band 36 Heft 2 of KRITERION – Journal of Philosophy on Lakatos Undone Work: The Practical Turn and the Division of Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science.
In Prepation (2024+)
(with L. Baumanns, K. Heuer and B. Rott) Problem Posing and Mathematical Giftedness: Insights into current research. Springer-Spektrum, 2023.
(with B. Löwe) 60 years DVMLG. College Publications, 2022
Content can be found for free (OA) at the Homepage of the DVMLG.
(with S. Centrone and D. Kant) Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Synthese Library, Springer, Berlin, 2019. Pages (XXVIII, 494)
(with S. Centrone, S. Negri and P. Schuster) Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof. Synthese Library, Springer, Berlin, 2019. Pages (X, 374)