Tobias Dyckerhoff
Address |
Universität Hamburg Fachbereich Mathematik Bundesstraße 55 20146 Hamburg |
Room | Geomatikum 338 | |
Office Hours | By appointment (click here to enter BBB office hour) | |
Phone | +49 40 42838-5152 | |
tobias.dyckerhoff AT | ||
Public Key | public.pgp | | | || |
Workshop on higher categorical methods in algebra and geometry, March 22 - 24, 2023 (Hamburg).
Research interests
higher structures in algebra and geometry
Research group
Current members |
Angus Rush Till Heine Matthew Habermann Jonte Gödicke Laura Kähler Niklas Spangenberg Simon Schneider |
Former members |
Merlin Christ Fernando Abellán Garcia Xinyang Liu Walker Stern Tashi Walde Michael Brown Thomas Poguntke |
Sommersemester 24 |
Advanced algebra: Homological algebra Research seminar on higher structures |
Recorded lecture courses
Higher category theory | peertube link | Algebraic Topology | peertube link |
Previous teaching
- Lineare Algebra II (Bachelor)(Sommersemester 23)
- Research seminar on higher structures(Sommersemester 23)
- Lineare Algebra I (Bachelor)(Wintersemester 22/23)
- Research seminar on higher structures(Wintersemester 22/23)
- Algebraic Topology (Master)(Sommersemester 22)
- Research seminar on higher structures(Sommersemester 22)
- Algebraic Topology (Master) (Sommersemester 21)
- Research seminar on higher structures (Sommersemester 21)
- Introduction to higher category theory (Wintersemester 20/21)
- Differential Galois Theory (Sommersemester 20)
- Research seminar on higher structures (Sommersemester 20)
- Algebra (Bachelor) (Wintersemester 19/20)
- Research seminar on higher structures (Wintersemester 19/20)
- Research seminar on higher structures (Sommersemester 19)
- Advanced Algebra: Homological Algebra (Sommersemester 19)
- Introduction to higher category theory (Wintersemester 18/19)
- Advanced Topics in Algebra: Vassiliev invariants and related topics (Sommersemester 18)
- Seminar: Higher Algebraic K-Theory (S4A3/Oberseminar) (Wintersemester 17/18)
- Seminar: Higher Algebra (Sommersemester 17)
- Advanced Topics in Algebra: Higher category theory (Wintersemester 16/17)
- Seminar: Noncommutative Hodge structures (Sommersemester 16)
- Seminar: Fukaya categories and related topics (Wintersemester 15/16)
- Advanced Algebra I: Homological Algebra (Sommersemester 15)
- Advanced Topics in Algebra: Hall Algebras (Wintersemester 14/15)
- Introduction to homological algebra (Hilary Term 2014)
- Math 501: Modern Algebra II (Spring 2013)
- Math 425: Computational Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2012)
- Math 440: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (Fall 2010)
- Math 371: Algebra (Summer 2009)
- Math 420: Ordinary Differential Equations (Summer 2008)
- Math 412: Linear Algebra (Summer 2007)
Lax additivity (with M. Christ and T. Walde)
Preprint: arXiv:2402.12251 N-spherical functors and categorification of Euler's continuants (with M. Kapranov, V. Schechtman)
Preprint: arXiv:2306.13350-
Complexes of stable ∞-categories (with M. Christ and T. Walde)
Preprint: arXiv:2301.02606
Spherical adjunctions of stable ∞-categories and the relative S-construction (with M. Kapranov, V. Schechtman, Y. Soibelman)
Preprint: arXiv:2106.02873, accepted for publication in Math. Z. -
Perverse sheaves on Riemann surfaces as Milnor sheaves (with M. Kapranov, Y. Soibelman)
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 11 (2023), E92 (doi:10.1017/fms.2023.84) -
The symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras: Symmetric products of disks (with G. Jasso and Y. Lekili)
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma , Volume 9 (2021), e10 (doi:10.1017/fms.2021.2) -
A relative 2-nerve (with F. Abellán García and W. H. Stern)
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 20-6 (2020), 3147-3182 (arXiv:1910.06223) -
Generalised BGP reflection functors via the Grothendieck construction (with G. Jasso and T. Walde)
Int. Math. Res. Not. 194 (2019) (arXiv:1901.06993) -
Relative Calabi-Yau structures II: Shifted Lagrangians in the moduli of objects (with C. Brav)
Selecta Mathematica 27, 63 (2021) doi:10.1007/s00029-021-00642-5 (arXiv:1812.11913) -
Simplicial structures in higher Auslander-Reiten theory (with G. Jasso and T. Walde)
Adv. Math. 355 (2019), 106762 (arXiv:1811.02461) -
A categorified Dold-Kan correspondence
Selecta Mathematica 27, 14 (2021) (doi:10.1007/s00029-021-00618-5) -
Topological K-theory of Equivariant Singularity Categories (with M. Brown)
Homol. Homotopy Appl., Volume 22, Number 2 (2020), 1-29 (arXiv:1611.01931) -
Relative Calabi-Yau structures (with C. Brav)
Compos. Math. 155, Issue 2 (2019), 372-412 (arXiv:1606.00619) -
A1-homotopy invariants of topological Fukaya categories of surfaces
Compos. Math. 153, Issue 8 (2017), 1673–1705 (arXiv:1505.06941) -
Higher categorical aspects of Hall algebras
Birkhäuser, Advanced Courses in Mathematics, CRM, ISBN 978-3-319-70157-8 (arXiv:1505.06940) -
Crossed simplicial groups and structured surfaces (with M. Kapranov)
Stacks and categories in geometry, topology, and algebra, 37–110, Contemp. Math., 643, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015 (arXiv:1403.5799) -
Triangulated surfaces in triangulated categories (with M. Kapranov)
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), Volume 20, Issue 6, 2018, pp. 1473–1524 (arXiv:1306.2545) -
Higher Segal Spaces (with M. Kapranov)
Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 2244 (2019) (arXiv:1212.3563) -
Pushing forward matrix factorisations (with D. Murfet)
Duke Math. J. Volume 162, Number 7 (2013), 1249-1311 (arXiv:1102.2957) -
The Kapustin-Li formula revisited (with D. Murfet)
Adv. Math. 231 (2012), pp. 1858-1885 (arXiv:1004.0687) -
Compact generators in categories of matrix factorizations
Duke Math. J. Volume 159, Number 2 (2011), 223-274 (arXiv:0904.4713) -
The inverse problem of differential Galois theory over the field R(z)
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 26/2007 (Preprint: arXiv:0802.2897)
Editorial Duties
Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg | Managing editor |
Applied Categorical Structures | Editor |
Public lectures
Siegerehrung der Regionalrunde der Mathematik-Olympiade 2016
Title:Sightseeing im Hyperraum
HCM Schülerinnenwoche 2016
Title:Mit Euler zur Alhambra: Symmetrie in der Ebene
Bonner Hochschultage 2015
Title:Was ist Symmetrie?