Fachbereich Mathematik 
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Students are asked to include their matriculation number and program of study in all emails, and to always use their TUHH email address <firstname.lastname@tuhh.de> so that their request can be processed more quickly.

Written exams in the Winter Semester 2023/2024

All information about the exams (combined from two modules or single module exams) can now be found under the links in the following overview (e.g. exam dates, allowed aids, consultation dates, result lists, inspection dates).

Mathematics III
(Analysis III and/or Differential Equations I)
Mathematics IV
(Differential Equations II and/or Complex Functions)

Information for Students in the "Studienvorbereitungssemester" (SVS)
   and for doctoral students with conditions for admission to further studies

Exam Mathematics IV (Differential Equations II / Complex Functions)


  • Lecturer and Examiner: Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens (Differential Equations II)  / 
    Prof. Dr. Jens Struckmeier (Complex Systems)
  • Organization: Dr. Peywand Kiani, Dr. Kai Rothe

Examination date

  • Mon, 04.03.2024

Exam Results:

  • Mathematics IV (Differential Equations II + Complex Functions)
    (Stand/Status: 11.09.2023)
  • If you have any questions about your results, please go to the exam review on 03.04.2024.
  • If your result is not listed, this may be due to several reasons. Please contact Ms. Monika Jampert (via email) from your TUHH email address <firstname.lastname(at)tuhh.de>. Please be sure to include your matriculation number and your course of study.
  • Information on the further procedure
    After the exam review, the appeals will be checked and the grades will be updated if necessary. Only then will the final grades be entered into TUNE (or HIS) - but no later than 12.04.2024. If you need your grade earlier for an important reason, please inform Monika Jampert of this reason by email. Please use your TUHH email address <firstname.lastname@tuhh.de> and include your matriculation number and degree program.

Exam Review:

  • Mathematics IV exam review:
    Wed, 03.04.2024

    16:00-17:45, Room H0.09
    No registration is required for the exam viewing.
  • Studien- und Prüfungs-Ordnung der TUHH: [PDF]  /  [HTML]
    (ASPO vom 22.11.2017, in der Fassung vom 22.09.2021, veröffentlicht am 02.10.2021, tritt in Kraft am 01.10.2018)
    § 28 Einsicht in die Prüfungsakten (Auszug; Seite 29)
    (1) Nach schriftlichen Prüfungen können die Studentinnen und Studenten an einem am Tag der Prüfung von der Prüferin oder dem Prüfer festgelegten und bekannt gegebenen Termin Einsicht in ihre bewerteten Prüfungsarbeiten nehmen. Spätere Einsichtnahmen können den Studentinnen und Studenten durch den Prüfungsausschuss auf schriftlichen Antrag gewährt werden. Bei der Einsichtnahme sind der Studentin oder dem Studenten auf Wunsch die Bewertung und die Bewertungsmaßstäbe der Prüfung zu erläutern.

All information about the oral (supplementary) examinations is available in the section Oral Exams. [Information only in German]


Orte / Locations:
"Lindwurm" (SBC 3-E) => TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 - Gebäude/Building E
Audimax I (SBC 5-H) => TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 - Gebäude/Building H
Audimax II (DE 22-I) => TUHH, Denickestraße 22, Gebäude/Building I
Geom = Geomatikum = Uni HH, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg

  Seitenanfang  Impress 2024-03-19, Monika Jampert