Fachbereich Mathematik 
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Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens / Dr. Claudine von Hallern

Differential Equations I Students of Engineering

65-871 Lectures Start: 12.10.2021 (weekly)
Tuesdays, 15:00–16:30 (3:00-4:30 pm), H-SBC 5, Audimax 1 (in German)

Tuesdays, 16:45–18:15 (4:45-6:15 pm), I-DE 22, Audimax II (in English)



Dear Students,
As of January 2022 the lectures will take part online due to the increased incidence of COVID-19 cases. The time and day remains Tuesdays at 16:15.
Zoom Credentials:
URL: https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/64947116946?pwd=ZFF0b3BIQjh3Z0F3SkdncjJnb1Izdz09
Meeting ID: 649 4711 6946 / Code: 78779877

Please take note of the rules for using Zoom under https://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/en/services/weitere/medienkompetenz/videokonferenzen/zoom.html and the privacy rules under https://uhh.de/datenschutzrechtliche-information-zoom (only in German).

Please also note that I will record the Zoom session. So, in order to take part, you need to explicate your consent by clicking a button. Your personal interventions as well as the chat will not be published. I ask you to ask questions by using the chat function.

Please stay healthy,
Jörn Behrens
(status: 29.12.2021)

65-872 Exercise classes Start: 11.01.2021 (bi-weekly / 14 daily)

As of January 2022 (most) exercise classes will take place online at BBB!
Note: The links to the BBB rooms can be found in the Stud.IP (see "Vorlesung: Differentialgleichungen I (Mathematik III) -> Forum / Allgemein / Übungsgruppen > Übungsgruppen online ab Januar (Einwahldaten)").

65-873 Auditorium Exercises Start 18.10.2021 (bi-weekly / 14 daily)
Mon, 12:30 - 14:00 pm, H-SBC 5, Audimax 1 (in German) - Kai Rothe
Mon, 09:45 - 11:15 am, H-SBC 5, Room H-0.16 (in English) - Claudine von Hallern


As of January 2022 the auditorium exercises will take place online on Mondays on BBB at 09:45-11:15!
Note: The links to the BBB rooms can be found in the Stud.IP (see "Vorlesung: Differentialgleichungen I (Mathematik III) -> Forum / Allgemein / Hörsaalübung" > "Hörsaalübung (German and English) online ab Januar (Einwahldaten)")

  Seitenanfang  Impress 2021-12-30, Monika Jampert