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Sven Möller

Sven Möller

Emmy-Noether Junior Research Group Leader
Bereich Algebra und Zahlentheorie
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universität Hamburg, Germany

Contact Information

business Geomatikum, Room 314 (directionsopen_in_new, mapopen_in_new)
alternate_email math@moeller-sv...
alternate_email sven.moeller@uni-ha... (for internal use)
lock public PGP key (encrypted mails are welcome)
link Link to this webpage: www.moeller-sven.de
phone+49 40 42838 5183
mail Mailing address

Research Projects and News

I am broadly interested in representation theory, number theory, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics.

In particular, I study vertex algebras, conformal field theory, braided monoidal categories, symplectic singularities, automorphic forms, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and their connections. Here is a popular science summary of some of my recent work.

See here for my publications (on Google Scholar open_in_new, the arXiv open_in_new).

I have an open Ph.D. position (starting in 2025). See here for more details.

Together with Claudia Alfes I organised a workshop on Modular Forms and Representation Theory in 2022.

Funded research projects:

Research Group


Ph.D. students:

Master's students:

Curriculum Vitæ

Academic CV file_downloadPDF
(last updated: Oct. 2024)

Mailing Address

Sven Möller
Bereich Algebra und Zahlentheorie
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universität Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg