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Please note: I have moved to Oldenburg.

Jan Steffen Müller

Research interests

  • Computational number theory
  • Arithmetic Geometry

Preprints and publications

Note that the pdf files are preprint versions which may differ from the published versions.

Canonical heights and division polynomials (with Robin de Jong),
  Preprint (2013), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv] [Magma-Code]
p-adic height pairings and integral points on hyperelliptic curves (with Jen Balakrishnan and Amnon Besser),
  Preprint (2013), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv]
Explicit Kummer varieties of hyperelliptic Jacobian threefolds,
  Preprint (2012), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv] [Magma-Code]
A height inequality for rational points on elliptic curves implied by the abc-conjecture (with Ulf Kühn),
  Preprint (2012), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv]
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varieties (with Jen Balakrishnan and William Stein),
  Preprint (2012), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv]
Lower bounds on the arithmetic self-intersection number of the relative dualizing sheaf on arithmetic surfaces (with Ulf Kühn),
  Preprint (2012), submitted.
[pdf] [arXiv]
Computing canonical heights using arithmetic intersection theory,
  Math. Comp. 83, 311-336 (2014).
[pdf] [arXiv] [Magma-Code]
Local heights on elliptic curves and intersection multiplicities (with Vincenz Busch),
  Int. J. Number Theory 8, No. 6, 1477-1484 (2012).
[pdf] [arXiv]
Explicit Kummer surface formulas for arbitrary characteristic,
  LMS J. Comput. Math. 13, 47-64 (2010).
[pdf] [arXiv]

Talk slides




Together with Yue Ren, I organized the Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics 2013 which took place from September 2 to September 6 in Hamburg.

p-adic heights and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
Heights and Moduli spaces , June 2013, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden
p-adic heights and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
Rational Points - Geometric, Analytic and Explicit Approaches , May 2013, University of Warwick
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varieties
  Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, November 2012, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varieties
  Arithmetic of L-functions, October 2012, University of Bristol
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varieties
  Rational points on curves: A p-adic and computational perspective, September 2012, Oxford University
Computing canonical heights using arithmetic intersection theory
  Séminaire de Cryptographie de Rennes, December 2011, Université Rennes I
Algorithmische Aspekte der Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer (in German)
  Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie, June 2011, LMU München
Arithmetik von Kummer Varietäten (in German)
  Oberseminar Algebra, February 2011, Universität Oldenburg
Computing canonical heights on Jacobians
  Rational points: Theory & Experiment, Workshop, May 2010, ETH Zürich
Explicit Kummer surface theory for arbitrary characteristic
  Rational points on curves and higher-dimensional varieties, June 2009, University of Warwick
  Seitenanfang  Impress 2015-06-23, Jan Steffen Müller