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Markus Röser

Fachbereich Mathematik
Bereich AD
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg
Raum 413
Tel.: +49 40 42838-4127
E-Mail: markus.roeser (at)

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Research Interests

Hyperkähler, hypersymplectic and quaternionic Kähler geometry and their relation to Lie theory, gauge theory and integrable systems


  • Cortés, V., Röser, M., Thung, D. "Complete quaternionic Kähler manifolds with finite volume ends"
    accepted for publication in Annales de l'Insitut Fourier arXiv
  • Crooks, P., Röser, M. "Hessenberg varieties and Poisson slices"
    accepted for publication in Contemporary Mathematics arXiv
  • Crooks, P., Röser, M. "On the singularities of Mishchenko-Fomenko systems"
    Transformation Groups (2022). Journal article
  • Crooks, P., Röser, M. "The log symplectic geometry of Poisson slices"
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022), pp. 135-190 Journal article
  • Crooks, P., Röser, M. "On the fibres of Mishchenko-Fomenko systems"
    Documenta Mathematica 25, 1195-1239 (2020) Journal article
  • Beck, F., Heller, S., Röser, M. "Energy of sections of the Deligne-Hitchin twistor space"
    Mathematische Annalen 380, no. 3-4, 1169–1214, (2021) Journal article
  • Biswas, I., Heller S., Röser, M. "Real holomorphic sections of the Deligne-Hitchin Twistor space"
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 366(3), 1099-1133, (2019) Journal article
  • Petrecca, D., Röser, M. "Irreducibility of the Laplacian eigenspaces of some homogeneous spaces"
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 291, 395–419, (2019) Journal article
  • Bielawski, R., Romao, N., Röser, M. "The Nahm-Schmid Equations and Hypersymplectic Geometry"
    The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Volume 69, Issue 4, 1253-1286, (2018), arXiv
  • Dancer, A., Kirwan, F., Röser, M. "Hyperkähler Implosion and Nahm's Equations"
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 342(1), 251-301, (2016). Journal article
  • Röser, M. "Harmonic Maps and Hypersymplectic Geometry",
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 78, 111-126, (2014). Journal article


  • Crooks, P., Rosemann, S., Röser, M. "Slodowy slices and the complete integrability of Mishchenko-Fomenko subalgebras on regular adjoint orbits"
  • Beck, F., Biswas, I., Heller, S., Röser, M. "Geometry of the space of sections of twistor spaces with circle action"

Curriculum Vitae


  Seitenanfang  Impressum 2022-12-23, Markus Röser