From Categories to Homotopy Theory
The book has appeared in the book
series Cambridge
Studies in Advanced Mathematics as No 188.
My contract allows me to keep
pdf file of the book on my homepage. In this file, the errata
from below have been corrected.
Here is
the Zentralblatt Review. For the nice review in MathSciNet by Dan Dugger :-) you need a subscription.
List of errata:
- In Lemma 2.2.5 the target category is the category of sets and
not some arbitrary category.
- Garbled notation p. 92: The categories in exercise 5.1.3 were named
from the ones in the definiton. That's corrected in the pdf-file. Thanks to
someone who called himself Pavel Uryson for spotting that!
- In the proof of Proposition 5.3.2 there was a superfluous
colimit over D in formula (5.3.1). Thanks to Martin Madel for
finding that typo.
- typo in 10.5.1: a \(di\) should be a \(d_i\).
- In 10.7.1 two instances should be the opposite category. (PU)
- Remark 10.7.2 was slightly garbled. (PU)
- In 10.12.6 the \(n\)-tuple should start with
\(x_0\). (PU)
- Lemma 10.12.7 was not optimal as stated. It is true for all
\(n \geq 1\). (PU)
- In 12.3.4 in the published version on the top of page 301 the picture of the Stasheff polytope has completely messed up labels. This was and is correct in the pdf-file. There, it's on the top of page 252 and the picture is also at the bottom of this page.
- typo p. 348: At the beginning of 15.2 there was a
superfluous \(\otimes\).
In the proof of Lemma 15.2.1 there was a superfluous direct sum over
- p. 349, 15.2.3: Of course the Ext should have cohomological
(not homological)