Recent papers
- A
structural duality for path-decompositions into parts of small
radius (with S. Albrechtsen, A. Elm, E. Fluck, R.
Jacobs, P. Knappe and P. Wollan), preprint 2023; ArXiv
- A grid theorem for strong immersions of walls,
(with R. Jacobs, P. Knappe and P. Wollan), preprint 2023;
- Canonical graph decompositions via coverings (with R. Jacobs, P. Knappe and J. Kurkofka), preprint 2022; ArXiv
- Duality and tangles of set separations (with C. Elbracht,
Joshua Erde & M. Teegen),
J. Combinatorics 15 (2024), 1–39; ArXiv
- Point sets and functions inducing tangles of set separations (with C. Elbracht
& R. Jacobs), J. Combinatorics (to appear in 2024); ArXiv
- Homological aspects of oriented hypergraphs, ArXiv 2021; PDF
- Profinite separation systems (with J. Kneip), Order 37 (2020),
179-205; short/long
- Structural submodularity and tangles in abstract separation
systems (with J. Erde & D. Weißauer), JCTA 167C (2019),
155-180; PDF
- Abstract separation systems, Order
35 (2018), 157-170; PDF
- Tangle-tree duality in abstract separation systems (with S.
Adv.Math 377 (2021), 107470; PDF.
- Tangle-tree duality: in graphs, matroids and beyond (with S.
Oum), Combinatorica 39 (2019), 879-910; PDF.