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Johannes Berger

Johannes Berger Fachbereich Mathematik
Bereich AZ
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg

Raum 1520
Tel.: +49 40 42838-9348
E-Mail: johannes.berger (at)

Research interests

My general interests lie in topological field theory, finite tensor categories, Hopf algebras and their (categorical) generalizations, as well as representation theory.

A full research statement can be found under this link (pdf) .


Here is a link to my CV (pdf) . It contains a list of people who can be asked for letters of reference.


[2] Monadic cointegrals and applications to quasi-Hopf algebras. Joint with Azat M. Gainutdinov and Ingo Runkel. To appear in J. Pure and Appl. Algebra arXiv: 2003.13307

[1] Modified traces for quasi-Hopf algebras. Joint with Azat M. Gainutdinov and Ingo Runkel. J. Algebra (548) 96--119. arXiv: 1812.10445


My arXiv-identifier is berger_j_1 .

[1] Perfect tangles. Joint with Tobias J. Osborne. arXiv: 1804.03199

  Seitenanfang  Impressum 2020-12-21, Johannes Berger