Fridolin Roth

Office: 318
Phone: 040-42838-5181

Fridolin Roth
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Mathematik
Schwerpunkt Algebra und Zahlentheorie (AZ)
Bundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg


On the Category of Euclidean Configuration Spaces and associated Fibrations, Geometry & Topology Monographs 13(2008) 447-461, proceedings of the conference on Groups, Homotopy and Configuration Spaces held in Tokyo (July 5th to 11th 2005) in honour of Fred Cohen.

For more on this see my Diplomarbeit below.

Galois and Hopf-Galois Theory for Associative S-Algebras, thesis 09/2009.


Now completed, see published papers above (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Birgit Richter, University of Bonn).


Zur Lusternik-Schnirelmann-Kategorie Euklidischer Konfigurationsräume [pdf] [ps] [dvi] (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer, University of Bonn). It is mainly written in german, but has an english summary. Here is the poster, with which I presented the results at the conference Groups, Homotopy and Configuration Spaces.


Currently no teaching

Informationen zum Vorkurs Mathematik (2007), (2006)