Information about the German "Vordiplom in Wirtschaftsmathematik" (Mathematics and Economics) at the University of HamburgThe certificate "Vordiplom" is awarded after completing successfully 2 years (4 semesters) of basic studies in Mathematics and Economics. (A "Diplom in Wirtschaftsmathematik" is obtained after additional 2 1/2 years (5 semesters) of advanced studies, comparable to a masters degree.) The Vordiplom certificate contains five grades, two in Mathematics, two in Economics, and one grade "Gesamtnote" (average grade) with the following meaning:
The grades in Mathematics are obtained from oral examinations (of half an hour each) in
The grades in Economics are obtained from 3 or 4 written examinations (resp.) in
Additionally in the field without examination in no. 2 (above) an exercises attestation ("Übungsschein") is needed. In detail the basic studies consist of the following courses: (The ECTS Points shown in the table are preliminary.)
May 6, 1998 |
Impress | [an error occurred while processing this directive] von Gerhard Hübner |