Fachbereich Mathematik 
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Information about the "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics "

The certificate "B.Sc." in Mathematics is awarded after successful completion of seven semesters (3 1/2 years) of study in Mathematics.

It assumes a successful completion of the "Vordiplom in Mathematik" (Pre-Diploma) which is awarded after the first 5 semesters of fundamental study.

The Bachelor certificate features three grades ("Vordiplom", "Kernbereich" and the Bachelor Thesis) and one grade "Gesamtnote" (the average grade of the three grades). The grades have the following meaning:

"sehr gut" (1) = very good, excellent   "befriedigend" (3) = satisfactory
"gut" (2) = good   "ausreichend" (4) = passed, acceptable

The "Kernbereich" is either Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Mathematical Stochastics. The grade is based on examinations over four standard courses which introduce into certain areas of the "Kernbereich". Examples are:

  1. Pure Mathematics: Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Function Theory (Complex Analysis), Graph Theory, Differential Geometry
  2. Applied Mathematics: Ordinary Differential Equations, Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, Approximation, Applied Functional Analysis
  3. Mathematical Stochastics: Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes

All lectures comprise 4 academic hours (one hour counts 45 minutes) each week of the semester (which comprises 14 weeks) and include homework assignments where a certain number of problems have to be solved each week. There are 2 exercise hours each week to present solutions of the homework. The "Kernbereich" examination counts 44 Credit points (CP) according to ECTS.

The Bachelor Thesis is connected with a project from a Seminar and is always tied with an oral presentation. The students has two months time to complete the Thesis. It is weighted with 10 CP ECTS.

For the completion of the Bachelor certain certificate ("Seminarschein Modellierung") has to be obtained in a seminar about Mathematical Modelling. It certifies that a certain Mathematical Model was worked out in connection with an oral presentation. It counts 6 CP ECTS.

Prof. Dr. Bodo Werner
Head of the Examination Committee

 top of page  Impress 25. May. 2005 von Bodo Werner