Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology, Winter Term 2024/25

Julian Holstein, Birgit Richter

In the winter term 2024/25 we will meet roughly every second Monday from 14:15h to 17:45 in 142 (Geomatikum) or online. The precise dates are: 21.10.24, 4.11.24, 18.11.24, 2.12.24, 16.12.24, 6.1.25, 27.1.25

The topic for our working seminar is Deformation Theory. For background on algebraic deformation theory, Sarah Witherspoon's book (Hochschild Cohomology for Algebras, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 204, American Mathematical Society, 2019, available on the author's webpage) is highly recommended.

If you want to give a talk in the working seminar, send an email to us. If you are interested in participating, then please register for the mailing list of the seminar by sending "subscribe" to
