Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology, Winter Term 2024/25
Julian Holstein,
Birgit Richter
In the winter term 2024/25 we will meet roughly every second Monday
from 14:15h to 17:45 in 142 (Geomatikum) or online. The precise
dates are: 21.10.24, 4.11.24, 18.11.24, 2.12.24, 16.12.24, 6.1.25, 27.1.25
The topic for our working seminar is Deformation
Theory. The talks are as follows:
- Introduction to the deformations of algebras (Yannick Hoyer)
- More deformations of algebras and A_\infty algebras (Sascha
Whitherspoon 5.3 (reinterpret formal deformations in terms of the
Maurer-Cartan equation, define deformation quantization of Poissen algebras.
Then introduce A_\infty algebras following Keller and describe how they can
arise from deformations (Keller 3.2, Witherspoon 7).
- Some deformations of categories (Kristoffer Rasmussen):
Introduce curved A_\infty categories (aka A_{[0, \infty[}-categories and
their Hochschild complex (Lowen 2.1-2.3 & 2.7) and describe how elements in
Hochschild cohomology give deformations as curved A_\infty algebras (Lowen
4.11). Mention as motivation the main topic of the article: When deforming
an algebra A we can ask if we can deform the objects of the derived category
to objects in the derived category of the deformed algebra. This is exactly
obstructed by curvature.
- Dg Lie algebras and L_\infty algebras:
Give a brief introduction to dg Lie algebras, mention L_\infty algebras,
consider the shifted Hochschild cochains as an example
(Witherspoon 7.5, 7.6).
- Deformation theory after Lurie I:
Define formal moduli problems (focusing on the deformation context of
commutative algebras) and their tangent complexes, define deformation
theories and state their relation (Lurie 1.3.12). Notes
- Deformation theory after Lurie II:
Explain Luries Theorem 2.0.2 classifying deformations over commutative algebras in terms of dg Lie algebras. Explain the Chevalley-Eilenberg complex and Koszul duality.
Sarah Witherspoon, Hochschild Cohomology for Algebras, Graduate
Studies in Mathematics 204, American Mathematical Society, 2019,
(available on the author's webpage)
Bernhard Keller, Introduction to A-infinity algebra and modules,
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol.3, No.1, 2001, pp.1--35
- Wendy Lowen: Hochschild cohomology, the characteristic morphism and
derived deformations,
Compositio Mathematica, Volume 144, Issue 6, November 2008, pp. 1557--1580
- Jacob Lurie, Derived Algebraic Geometry X: Formal Moduli Problems
If you want to give a talk in the working seminar, send an email to us.
If you
are interested in participating, then please register for the
mailing list of the seminar by sending "subscribe" to