Guidelines for the Proceedings Volume

Guidelines for the LaTeX style

  1. We expect all submissions to be in LaTeX using our stylefile fotfsVI.cls. Please use the template files template_main.tex and template_bib.tex as a reference. You can download the stylefile, the necessary file of our conference logo (note: the logo is currently still the one of FotFS V; we'll replace it with the correct one in due time), and the template files here:
    1. fotfsVI.sty
    2. logoVI.eps
    3. template_main.tex
    4. template_bib.tex
  2. The bibliographic references should follow the following examples. In order to avoid clashes between the bibliographies, use labels that include your name, i.e., [authorname]_label.
  3. Using several packages can result in problems when all papers are put together in one file and the different packages start to interact. We therefore ask you to keep the usage of packages to a minimum. We include the packages amsmath, amssymb, graphics, makeidx, graphicx, latexsym, and xy in any case (they are already included in the template file). If possible at all, try to prepare you submission without additional packages.

Guidelines for the content

The idea of the conference series is to present surveys of different research areas, understandable for the intended interdisciplinary audience, including a description of the methods used. This should also be the focus of the prepared papers for the Proceedings volume. The editors do not expect research articles of highly specialized character, but they would rather like to see well-prepared survey expositions with a technical component that is usually not found in surveys.

The ideal paper for this proceedings volume would describe certain techniques at the level of understanding of a knowledgeable but not necessarily specialized researcher, then apply the techniques to an illustrative example, and then move on to list open problems that might possibly be tackled with this techniques. An annotated list of open problems together with a concise introducion is acceptable as well.

Last changed: August 17th, 2007