Berlin-Hamburg-Seminar am 12.11.2018
Marcelo Alves (Bochum) Algebraic growth of wrapped Floer homology and contact spheres with positive entropy
I will present a joint construction with Matthias Meiwes of contact structures with positive entropy on spheres of dimension bigger than 5. This construction uses strongly the notion of algebraic growth of the wrapped Floer homology HW(M,L) of a "nice" exact Lagrangian L in a Liouville domain M, which we recently introduced. It measures the exponential complexity of HW(M, L) as an algebra, and its power comes from the fact that it is stable under several geometric modifications of Liouville domains.
I will also present some of our recent progress on constructing a contact structure with positive entropy on the five dimensional sphere.
If time allows I will explain a surprising recent work of Meiwes relating the growth rate of Rabinowitz-Floer homology to the topological entropy of Reeb flows, and some of its applications to the dynamics of geodesic flows.
Yi-Jen Lee (Hong Kong, z.Zt. Augsburg) Holomorphic curves and Seibert-Witten cobordism Maps