Office hours by appointment
Journal Publications
Preprints submitted:
Preprints accepted:
Published articles:
On kissing numbers and spherical codes in high dimesions
(with M. Jenssen and
W. Perkins, Adv. Math. 335 (2018), 307-321).
Critical percolation on random regular graphs
(with G. Perarnau, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 3321-3332.).
Frames, A-paths and the Erdős-Pósa property
(with H. Bruhn and M. Heinlein,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32 (2018), 1246-1260).
Long paths and cycles in random subgraphs of graphs with large minimum degree
(with S. Ehard, Electron. J. Combin. 25 (2018), no. 2, Paper 31, 15 pp).
Long cycles through prescribed vertices have the Erdos-Posa property
(with H. Bruhn and
O. Schaudt, J. Graph Theory 87 (2018), 275-284).
How to determine if a random graph with a fixed degree sequence has a giant component
(with G. Perarnau,
D. Rautenbach and
B. Reed, Probab. Theory Related Fields 170 (2018), 263-310,
extended abstract: FOCS 2016, 695-703).
A stronger bound for the strong chromatic index
(with H. Bruhn, Combin. Probab. Comput. 27 (2018), 21-43).
Induced Matchings in Graphs of Bounded Maximum Degree (SIAM J. Discrete Math. 30 (2016), 1876-1882).
Induced Cycles in Graphs
(with M. A. Henning,
C. Löwenstein and
T. Sasse, Graphs Combin. 32 (2016), 2425-2441).
Structural Parameterizations for Boxicity
(with H. Bruhn,
M. Chopin and
O. Schaudt,
Algorithmica 74 (2016), 1453-1472).
Induced 2-Regular Subgraphs in k-Chordal Cubic Graphs
(with M. A. Henning,
C. Löwenstein and
D. Rautenbach,
Discrete Appl. Math. 205 (2016), 73-79).
Induced Matchings in Graphs of Maximum Degree 4
(with V. H. Nguyen,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 30 (2016), 154-165).
The Cycle Spectrum of Claw-free Hamiltonian Graphs
(with J. Eckert and
D. Rautenbach,
Graphs Combin. 32 (2016), 93–101).
Random Subgraphs in Sparse Graphs
(SIAM J. Discrete Math. 29 (2015), 2350-2360).
Maximum Induced Matchings close to Maximum Matchings
(with M. A. Duarte,
L. D. Penso,
D. Rautenbach and
U. Souza,
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 588 (2015), 131–137).
Equality of Distance Packing Numbers
(with D. Rautenbach,
Discrete Math. 338 (2015), 2374–2377).
Longest Paths in Circular Arc Graphs
(Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 35 (2015), 419–426).
A Characterization of Mixed Unit Interval Graphs
(J. Graph Theory 79 (2015), 267–281).
Badly-Covered Graphs
(with M.R. Cappelle,
J. Müttel and
D. Rautenbach,
Discrete Appl. Math. 182 (2015), 99–103).
Forests and Trees among Gallai Graphs
(with V. B. Le and
D. Rautenbach,
Discrete Math. 338 (2015), 190–195).
Relating Ordinary and Total Domination in Cubic Graphs of Large Girth
(with S. Dantas,
C. Löwenstein,
D. Rautenbach and
D. Sousa,
Discrete Appl. Math. 174 (2014) 128-132).
A Characterization of Substar Graphs
(Discrete Appl. Math. 175 (2014) 115-118).
Graphs of Interval Count Two with a Given Partition
(with C. Lowenstein,
F. S. Oliveira,
D. Rautenbach and
J. L. Szwarcfiter,
Inform. Process. Lett. 114 (2014), 542–546).
Induced Matchings in Subcubic Graphs
(with T. Sasse and
D. Rautenbach,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 28 (2014), 468–473).
Independence and Matching Number in Graphs with Maximum Degree 4
(Discrete Math. 323 (2014), 1-6).
Refereed Conference Publications
A characterization of testable hypergraph properties
(with J. Kim,
D. Kühn,
D. Osthus, FOCS 2017, 859-867).
How to determine if a random graph with a fixed degree sequence has a giant component
(with G. Perarnau,
D. Rautenbach and
B. Reed, FOCS 2016, 695-703).
Parity linkage and the Erdos-Posa property of odd cycles through prescribed vertices in highly connected graphs (WG 2015, LNCS 9224, 339-350).
Structural Parameterizations for Boxicity
(with H. Bruhn,
M. Chopin and
O. Schaudt,
WG 2014, LNCS 8747, 117-128).
A Characterization of Mixed Unit Interval Graphs
(WG 2014, LNCS 8747, 324-335). Awarded with the "Best Student Paper Award".
ORCID 0000-0002-8539-9641