Speaker: Anke Pohl (ETH Zurich) Title: A transfer operator method for Hecke triangle groups and beyond Abstract: Given a lattice L in the group of orientation-preserving Riemannian isometries PSL(2,R) of the hyperbolic plane H, Selberg theory establishes a close relation between the geodesic length spectrum of the orbifold L\H and the spectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on L\H. For the modular group and some Hecke subgroups, combinations of results from the last 20 years by various reseachers (most notably, by Ruelle, Mayer, Chang-Mayer, Lewis-Zagier, Deitmar-Hilgert) provide a deeper relation by means of symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on L\H and evolution operators (transfer operators) of certain densities. In the talk, I will report on a transfer operator method for Hecke triangle groups (joint work with M. Möller) and present a program towards a uniform generalization to a huge class of lattices in PSL(2,R).