Organizers: Murad Alim, Florian Beck,
Dates (first seminar on April 21 2020):
The topic of the research seminar for string mathematics for the summer term 2020 is "Geometry and Integrability". It is open to anyone interested in research questions around this topic. It will consist of several talks given by the participants of the seminar following some suggested literature as well as a number of research talks given by external invited speakers.
Content and literature: hereSessions this term:
Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
Room |
21.04.2020 |
Murad Alim |
Integrable dynamical systems |
Zoom |
28.04.2020 |
Florian Beck |
Two classical examples of integrable systems |
Zoom |
05.05.2020 |
Daniel Bryan |
Review of symplectic geometry and co-adjoint orbits |
Zoom |
12.05.2020 |
Florian Beck |
On constructing integrable systems and elementary flows | Zoom |
19.05.2020 |
Vadym Kurylenko | Tau functions and KdV hierarchy |
Zoom |
26.05.2020 |
Markus Röser | Adler-Kostant-Symes, R-matrices, group factorizations | Zoom |
09.06.2020 |
Martin Vogrin |
The 1d Toda hierarchy | Zoom |
16.06.2020 |
Murad Alim |
Topological strings on the deformed conifold and exact WKB |
Zoom |
23.06.2020 |
Murad Alim |
Spectral curves |
Zoom |
30.06.2020 |
Arpan Saha |
Isomonodromic deformations | Zoom |
07.07.2020 |
Arpan Saha |
Resurgence | Zoom |
14.07.2020 |
Ivan Tulli |
The Ooguri-Vafa space as a moduli space of framed wild harmonic bundles , reference here. |
Zoom |
28.07.2020 |
Raphaël Belliard |
Discussion of Tau function for first Painleve |
Zoom |