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Higgs bundles in Mathematics and Physics

Hamburg, 10-14 September 2018

List of participants (who haven't declined to be listed)

No. Surname First Name Affiliation
1 Abdelhady Ahmed Mr
2 Adeifeoba Ademola Universität Heidelberg
3 Alim Murad University of Hamburg
4 Astrakhantsev Lev Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute for Experimental and Theoretical Physics
5 Barbosa Rodrigo University of Pennsylvania
6 Beck Florian University of Hamburg
7 Belliard Raphael DESY/RTG
8 Bhattacharya Gourab Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
9 Bourton Thomas DESY
10 Bryan Daniel University of Hamburg
11 Chiarello Simone Melchiorre University of Geneva
12 Christ Merlin University Hamburg
13 Ciosmak Paweł University of Warsaw
14 Conlon Aaron Maynooth University, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
15 Dinh Duong University of Hamburg
16 Döppenschmitt Lennart University of Toronto
17 Dwivedi Saurav Masaryk University
18 Eremin Boris Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
19 Figiel Troy DESY
20 Flandoli Ilaria RTG 1670 University of Hamburg
21 Friedmann Jan IST Austria
22 Godet Victor University of Amsterdam
23 Hamilton Eloise University of Oxford
24 He Song Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, AEI
25 Heller Sebastian Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg
26 Heydel Max Leibniz Universität Hannover
27 Holdt Maximilian Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
28 Holzwart Daniel Leibniz Universität Hannover
29 Kovanlikaya Eren Universität Hamburg
30 Kurylenko Vadym Universität Hamburg
31 Li Chongchuo Utrecht University
32 Lindemann David University of Hamburg
33 Lubbe Felix University of Hamburg
34 Manjunatha Manasa University of Hamburg
35 Marquardt Sven Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
36 Meneses Claudio University of Kiel
37 Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang University of Edinburgh
38 Pini Alessandro DESY - theory group
39 Preis Alexander TU Berlin
40 Prochazka Tomas LMU Munich
41 Ruddat Helge JGU Mainz
42 Rüter Philipp Heriot-Watt University
43 Saha Arpan University of Hamburg
44 Shehper Muhammad University of Texas at Austin
45 sikander shehryar International centre for theoretical physics
46 Singh Anoop Harish-Chandra Research Institute, (Department of atomic energy, government of india)
47 Stiller Michael University Hamburg
48 Sutherland Tom JGU Mainz
49 Thung Danu University of Hamburg
50 Vogrin Martin University of Hamburg
51 Zong Runhong Johannes Gutenberg University(University of Mainz)
Total number of participants (including those hidden in this table):
52 participants



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