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Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik

Archiv (1987-2006), Reihe A: Preprints

194. D. Janovská, G. Opfer
Computing Quaternionic Roots by Newton's Method
193. Drahoslava Janovska and Gerhard Opfer
Linear equations in quaternions
192. Hans Joachim Oberle
Nonsmooth Optimal Control Problems with Switching Functions of Order Zero
191. Gerhard Opfer
Shift Generated Haar Spaces on Track Fields
190. Ulrich Eckhardt
Segmentation of Boundaries into Convex and Concave Parts
189. Rainer Ansorge
Continuous Convergence of Relations
188. Gerhard Opfer
On the number 50
187. Hans Joachim Oberle and Ricki Rosendahl
Numerical Computation of a Singular State Subarc in an Economic Optimal Control Model
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186. Jens Struckmeier
A Note on the Michaelis-Menten Kinetics for Enzymatic Processes in Solutions
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184. Drahoslava Janovská and Gerhard Opfer
Fast Givens Transformation for Quaternion Valued Matrices Applied to Hessenberg Reductions
183. I. Gasser, T. Seidel, G. Sirito, B. Werner
Bifurcation analysis of a class of 'car following' traffic models II: variable reaction times and aggressive drivers
182. Thomas Götz and Jens Struckmeier
A Simplified Model for Non-Isothermal Crystallization of Polymers
181. Kai Rothe
An adaptive concept for the finite element method for boundary eigenvalue problems
180. Jens Struckmeier
A Deterministic Scheme for Smoluchowski's Coagulation Equation based on Binary Grid Refinement
179. Gerhard Opfer
The conjugate gradient algorithm applied to quaternion-valued matrices
178. I. Gasser, G. Sirito, B. Werner
Bifurcation analysis of a class of `car following' traffic models
177. Jens Struckmeier
A Mathematical Investigation of a Dynamical Model for the Growth and Size Distribution of Multiple Metastatic Tumors
176. J. Struckmeier, M. Foroughi
Higher Order Acoustic Perturbations for a Loudspeaker with Axisymmetric Enclosure I: The Mathematical Model
175. Maude Giasson, Walter Hengarnter, and Gerhard Opfer
Shift generated Haar spaces on unbounded closed domains in thecomplex plane
174. Walter Hengarnter and Gerhard Opfer
Shift generated Haar spaces on compact domains in the complex plane
173. Mehdi Foroughi and Jens Struckmeier
An One-Dimensional Asymptotic Model for Nonlinear Accoustics
172. Michael Hintermüller and Michael Ulbrich
A Mesh-Independence Result for Semismooth Newton Methods
171. D. Janovska and G. Opfer
Given's Transformation Applied to Quaternion Valued Vectors
170. Rainer Ansorge
Convergence of discretization procedures for problems whose entropy solutions are uniquely characterized by additional relations
169. Ulrich Eckhardt and Helene Reiter
Polygonal Representations of Digital Sets
168. Ulrich Eckhardt
Semitopological Approach to Root Images of Median Filters
167. Walter Hengartner and Gerhard Opfer
Complex Haar spaces generated by shifts applied to a single function.
166. Ingenuin Gasser and Jens Struckmeier
An Asymptotic-Induced One-Dimensional Model to Describe Fires in Tunnels.
165. Ulrich Eckhardt
Root Images of Median Filters.
164. Ulrich Eckhardt
Digital Lines and Digital Convexity.
163. Christian Kanzow and Christian Nagel
Semidefinite Programs: New Search Directions, Smoothing-Type Methods, and Numerical Results.
162. Stephan Engelke and Christian Kanzow
Predictor-Corrector Smoothing Methods for Linear Programs with a more flexible Update of the Smoothing Parameter.
161. Rainer Ansorge
Towards Numerical Procedures for those Technical Phaenomena whose Mathematical Models lead to Non-Standard Conservation Laws. A Survey.
160. Wernt Hotzel, Nicole Lehmkuhl and Bodo Werner
The spectrum of the Frobenius-Perron operator and its discretization for circle diffeomorphisms.
159. Ingenuin Gasser, Ling Hsiao, Peter A. Markowich, Shu Wang
Quasineutral limit of a nonlinear drift diffusion model for semiconductors.
158. Nobuo Yamashita, Christian Kanzow, Tomoyuki Morimoto, and Masao Fukushima
An Infeasible Interior Proximal Method for Convex Programming Problems with Linear Constraints.
157. Helmut Maurer and Hans Joachim Oberle
Second Order Sufficient Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Free Final Time: The Riccati Approach.
156. Stephan Engelke and Christian Kanzow
Improved Smoothing-Type Methods for the Solution of Linear Programs.
155. Christian Kanzow, Houduo Qi, Liquin Qi
On the Minimum Norm Solution of Linear Programs.
154. Michael Junk and Jens Struckmeier
Consistency analysis of mesh-free methods for conservation laws.
153. Stephan Engelke and Christian Kanzow
Predictor-Corrector Smoothing Methods for the Solution of Linear Programs.
152. Lyudmyla Hart
The Application of Projection-Iteration Methods to Solving Optimal Problems for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.
151. Helge Baumann
Thrust Limited Coplanar Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer.
150. O. Kounchev
Spherical Harmonics and Polyharmonic Functions.
149. Stephan Engelke and Christian Kanzow
On the Solution of Linear Programs by Jacobian Smoothing Methods.
148. Helge Baumann and Hans Joachim Oberle
Numerical Computation of Optimal Trajectories for Coplanar, Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer.
147. Christian Kanzow
An Active Set-type Newton Method for Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
146. Ingenuin Gasser
A Note on Traveling Wave solutions for a Quantum Hydrodynamic Model.
145. Christian Kanzow
Strictly Feasible Equation-Based Methods for Mixed Complementarity Problems.
144. Todd S. Munson, Francisco Facchinei, Michael C. Ferris, Andreas Fischer, Christian Kanzow
The Semismooth Algorithm for Large Scale Complementarity Problems.
143. Ingenuin Gasser
The Initial Time Layer Problem and the Quasineutral Limit in a Nonlinear Drift Diffusion Model for Semiconductors.
142. Ari Gross and Longin Jan Latecki
The Quadrant Hausdorff Distance: A Metric of Image Quantization.
141. Klaus Glashoff
A Note on the Order on the Set of Finite Subsets.
140. I. Gasser, P. Szmolyan
The Frozen Flow and the Equilibrium Limits in a Polyatomic Gas with Relaxation Effects.
139. I. Gasser, P.A. Markowich, B. Perthame
Dispersion and Moment Lemmas revisited.
138. I. Gasser
On Hartree-Fock Systems.
137. Klaus Glashoff
A Note on Elimination Polynomials.
136. Drahoslava Janovska, Gerhard Opfer
Hyperbolic Householder and Givens Transformations.
135. Gerhard Opfer, Wolfgang Ripken
Complex version of Catalan's problem.
134. R. Ansorge
Discretization of Problems the Weak Solutions of which are Uniquely Determined by Inequalities.
133. Longin Jan Latecki, Rolf Lakämper
Convexity Rule for Shape Decomposition Based on Contour Evolution Hierarchy.
132. Wolfgang Ripken
Constructing Multiresolution Analyses for a Dilation ${\bf A}$ Using Refinable Functions for ${\bf A}^p$.
131. O. Kounchev
Harmonicity Moduli and Jackson Type Theorems for the Approximation through Polyharmonic Functions.
130. Hans Joachim Oberle, Bernd Sothmann
Numerical Computation of Optimal Feed Rates for a Fed-Batch Fermentation Model.
129. D. Dryanov, O. Kounchev
Multivariate Formula of Euler-Maclaurin, Bernoulli Functions, and Poisson Type Formulas.
128. Oliver Friedrich
Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Schemes for the Interpolation of Mean Values on Unstructured Grids.
127. Christian Kanzow, Martin Zupke
Inexact Trust-Region Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
126. Bintong Chen, Xiaojun Chen, Christian Kanzow
A Penalized Fischer-Burmeister NCP-Function: Theoretical Investigation and Numerical Results.
125. Francisco Facchinei, Christian Kanzow
Beyond Montonicity in Regularization Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
124. Haihong Xu, Vladimir Janovsky, Bodo Werner
Numerical Computation of Degenerate Hopf Bifurcation Points.
123. Heinrich Voss, Kai Rothe
Modal and Interiour Nodal Masters in Parallel Condensation Methods for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems.
122. T. Sonar, G. Warnecke
On Finite Difference Error Indication for Adaptive Approximations of Conservation Laws. (revised 2nd printing).
121. Christian Kanzow, Hou-Duo Qi
A QP-free constrained Newton-type method for variational inequality problems.
120. Christian Kanzow
An Inexact QP-based Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
119. Gunther Steil
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Bianchi groups.
118. Christian Kanzow, Helmut Kleinmichel
A New Class of Semismooth Newton-Type Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
117. Thomas Sonar
On Families of Pointwise Optimal Finite Volume ENO-Approximations. I: Conditionally Positive $\lambda$-Definite Radial Recovery Functions.
116. Remi Abgrall, Stephane Lanteri, Thomas Sonar
ENO schemes for Compressible Fluid Dynamics.
115. Andreas Meister, Michael Oevermann
An Implicit Finite Volume Approach of the $k$-$\epsilon$ Turbulence Model on Unstructured Grids.
114. Sigrid Podewski, Hans Joachim Oberle, Gerhard Opfer
On the Construction of Optimal Monotone Cubic Spline Interpolation.
113. Andreas Meister
Comparison of Different Krylov Subspace Methods Embedded in an Implicit Finite Volume Scheme for the Computation of Viscous and Inviscid Flow Fields on Unstructured Grids.
112. Francisco Facchinei, Andreas Fischer, Christian Kanzow, Ji-Ming Peng
A simply constrained optimization reformulation of KKT systems arising from variational inequalities.
111. Cordula Heinrich
Symmetry Increasing Bifurcations of Chaotic Attractors.
110. N. Botta, D. Hempel
A Finite Volume Projection Method for Incompressible Flows on Triangular Grids.
109. T. Sonar, G. Warnecke
On Finite Difference Error Indication for Adaptive Approximations of Conservation Laws.
108. Francisco Facchinei, Andreas Fischer, Christian Kanzow
On the accurate identification of active constraints.
107. Rainer Ansorge und Thomas Sonar
Informationsverlust, abstrakte Entropie und die mathematische Beschreibung des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Thermodynamik.
106. Christian Kanzow, Masao Fukushima
Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of the D-Gap Function for Box Constrained Variational Inequalities.
105. Hinnik Eggers
Two articles concerning Euclidean Distance Transformations: 1. Two Fast Euclidean Distance Transformations in $\Z^2$ based on sufficient propagation 2. Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformations in $\Z_g^n$.
104. Christian Kanzow, Nobuo Yamashita, Masao Fukushima
New NCP-Functions and their Properties.
103. F. Facchinei, A. Fischer, C. Kanzow
A semismooth Newton method for variational inequalities: The case of box constraints.
102. F. Facchinei, A. Fischer, C. Kanzow
A semismooth Newton method for variational inequalities: Theoretical results and preliminary numerical experience.
101. Hans Joachim Oberle, Gerhard Opfer
Non-negative splines, in particular of degree five.
100. Ulrich Eckhardt, Longin Latecki
Invariant thinning and distance transform.
99. Lijun Yang, Bodo Werner
Singularity functions for bifurcations.
98. Claus Peter Ortlieb
Computeralgebra-Systeme in der Mathematikausbildung.
97. Francisco Facchinei, Christian Kanzow
When are the (Un)Constrained Stationary Points of the Implicit Lagrangian Global Solutions?.
96. Christian Kanzow, Houyuan Jiang
A Continuation Method for the Solution of Monotone Variational Inequality Problems.
95. Francisco Facchinei, Christian Kanzow
A nonsmooth inexact Newton method for the solution of large-scale nonlinear complementarity problems.
94. Rainer Ansorge
Connections between Homogenization Theory in Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis of Discretization Algorithms.
93. Tecla De Luca, Francisco Facchinei, Christian Kanzow
A Semismooth Equation Approach to the Solution of Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
92. Christian Kanzow, Masao Fukushima
Equivalence of the Generalized Complementarity Problem to Differentiable Unconstrained Minimization.
91. Christian Kanzow
A New Approach to Continuation Methods for Complementarity Problems with Uniform $P$-Functions.
90. Christian Kanzow, Houyuan Jiang
A Continuation Method for Strongly Monotone Variational Inequalities.
89. Ulrich Eckhardt, Longin Latecki
Digital Topology.
88. Jan Modersitzki, Gerhard Opfer
Faber versus minimal polynomials on annular sectors.
87. Gerhard Opfer
Display of zeros of orthogonal polynomials on annular sectors.
86. Achim Ilchmann
Martensson's adaptive stabilizer re-revisited.
85. Christian Kanzow
Noninterior Continuation Methods for Mixed Linear Complementarity Problems.
84. Nils Nicolaisen, Bodo Werner
Some remarks on period doubling in systems with symmetry.
83. Andreas Fischer, Christian Kanzow
On Finite Termination of an Iterative Method for Linear Complementarity Problems.
82. Carl Geiger, Christian Kanzow
On the Resolution of Monotone Complementarity Problems.
81. Michael Dellnitz
Collisions of Chaotic Attractors.
80. Michael Dellnitz, Jürgen Scheurle
Eigenvalue Movement for a Class of Reversible Hamiltonian Systems with Three Degrees of Freedom.
79. Christian Kanzow
Some Tools Allowing Interior-Point Methods to Become Noninerior.
77. Jan Modersitzki
CGI - an extension of the conjugate gradient algorithm to indefinite symmetric matrices.
76. Andrew Wathen, Bernd Fischer, David Silvester
The convergence rate of the minimal residual method for the Stokes problem.
75. Lijun Yang, Bodo Werner
Analysis of Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation by characteristic functions.
74. Christian Kanzow
An Unconstrained Optimization Technique for Large-Scale Linearly Constrained Convex Minimization Problems.
73. Bodo Werner
Computation of Hopf Bifurcation with bordered matrices.
72. Christian Kanzow
Global Convergence Properties of Some Iterative Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems.
71. Kai Rothe, Heinrich Voß
Improved Dynamic Substructuring on Distributed Memory MIMD-Computers.
70. Frank-Dieter Filbir
Computation of the Structured Stability Radius via Matrix Sign Function.
69. Michael Dellnitz, Martin Golubitsky, Matthew Nicol
Symmetry of Attractors and the Karhunen-Louve Decomposition.
68. Petra Weidner
The Influence of Proper Efficiency on Optimal Solutions of Scalarizing Problems in Multiciteria Optimization.
67. Christian Kanzow
Nonlinear Complementarity as Unconstrained Optimization.
66. Bodo Werner
The Numerical Analysis of Bifurcation Problems with Symmetries Based on Bordered Jacobians.
65. Ulrich Eckhardt, Gerd Maderlechner
Invariant Thinning.
64. Zhangzheng Yu, Christoph Conrad, Ulrich Eckhardt
Regularization of the Medial Axis Transform.
63. Christian Kanzow
Some Equation-Based Methods for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem.
62. Christian Kanzow
Newton-Type Methods for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization.
61. Christian Kanzow, Helmut Kleinmichel
A Class of Newton-Type Methods for Equality and Inequality Constrained Optimization.
60. Kai Rothe, Heinrich Voß
Improving Condensation Methods for Eigenvalue Problems via Rayleigh Functional.
59. Michael Dellnitz, Ian Melbourne
The Equivariant Darboux Theorem.
58. Bernd Fischer, Jan Modersitzki
An Algorithm for Complex Linear Approximation Based on Semi-Infinite Programming.
57. Rainer Ansorge
The Idea of Iterated Discretization.
56. Ian Melbournde, Michael Dellnitz
An Equivariant Version of the Williamson Normal Form Theorem.
55. E. Barany, M. Dellnitz, M. Golubitsky
Detecting the Symmetry of Attractors.
54. Walter Alt, Iosif Kolumban
Implicit-Function Theorems for Monotone Mappings.
53. Bernd Fischer, Roland W. Freund
On Adaptive Weighted Polynomial Preconditioning for Hermitian Positive Definite Matrices.
52. Michael Dellnitz, Ian Melbourne
Generic Movement of Eigenvalue for Equivariant Selfadjoint Matrices.
51. P. Laure, J. Menck, J. Scheurle
Quasiperiodic drift flow in the Couette-Taylor problem.
50. Rainer Ansorge
Convergence of Discretizations of Nonlinear Problems. A General Approach.
49. Hans Burchard
A Functional Analytic Proof for the Lax-Wendroff Theorem.
48. Petra Weidner
Advantages of Hyperbola Efficiency.
47. Petra Weidner
Separation of Nonconvex Sets.
46. Klaus Vetters
Positive solutions of underdetermined systems of linear equations arising in shape preserving spline approximation.
45. Bernd Fischer, Gene H. Golub
How to generate unknown orthogonal polynomials out of known orthogonal polynomials.
44. Bodo Werner
Test Functions for Bifurcation Points and Hopf Points in Problems with Symmetries.
43. Oswald Knoth, Ralf Wolke
On the Identification of Active Constraints by Trust Region Algorithms for Linearly Constrained Problems.
42. Peter Stork, Bodo Werner
Symmetry Adapted Block Diagonalisation in Equivariant Steady State Bifurcation Problems and its Numerical Application.
41. Jochen W. Schmidt, Walter Heß
Shape Preserving $C^2$-Splines Histopolation.
40. Karin Gatermann, Christoph Hoffmann, Gerhard Opfer
Explicit Faber Polynomials on Circular Sectors.
39. Peter V. Pliss
On the discontinuous dependence of the set of controllability from a parameter.
38. Bernd Fischer
Chebyshev polynomials for disjoint compact sets.
37. B. Werner, V. Janovsky
Computation of Hopf Branches Bifurcating from Takens-Bogdanov Points for Problems with Symmetries.
36. Rainer Ansorge, Jingang Lei
Weak Set Convergence and its Application to Projection Methods.
35. Bernd Fischer, Gene H. Golub
On generating polynomials which are orthogonal over several intervals.
34. Kai Rothe
Inverse Iteration and Bisection for Nonlinear Matrixeigenvalue Problems.
33. Kai Rothe
Least Squares Element Method for Boundary Eigenvalue Problems.
32. Roland Freund, Bernd Fischer
New Bernstein Type Inequalities for Polynomials on Ellipses.
31. Rainer Ansorge, Lei Jingan
Numerical Approximation of Weak Solutions of Nonlinear Problems with Applications to Elliptic and to Hyperbolic Problems with Entropy Conditions.
30. Achim Ilchmann, Bodo Werner
Computation of the stability radius via bifurcation techniques.
29. Achim Ilchmann, David H. Owens
Exponential stabilization using non-differential gain adaption.
28. B. Werner
Eigenvalue Problems with the Symmetry of a Group and Bifurcations.
27. Michael Dellnitz
A Computational Method and Path Following for Periodic Solutions with Symmetry.
26. Achim Ilchmann
Robust adaptive stabilization of discrete first order systems.
25. Achim Ilchmann, David H. Owens
Adaptive Stabilization with Exponential Decay.
24. Jürgen Menck
A Tertiary Hopf Bifurcation with Applications to Problems with Symmetries.
23. R. Ansorge
General Principles for the Convergence of Discretization Methods if Applied to Weakly Formulated Problems.
22. Jürgen Scheurle
Chaos in a rapidly forced pendulum equation.
21. Achim Ilchmann
Time-varying linear control systems. A geometric approach.
20. Jügen Scheurle
Splitting of Separatrices and Chaos.
19. Gunter Lorenzen und Christoph Maas
Zur Input-Output Analyse mit´Intervalldaten.
18. Bernd Fischer, Roland Freund
On the Constrained Chebyshev Approximation Problem on Ellipses.
17. Bernd Fischer
Optimal Chebyshev-polynomials with application to polynomial acceleration methods for real nonsymmetric linear systems.
16. L. Collatz, U. Grothkopf und W.K. Hayman
Verschiedene Typen von Singularitäten einer Randwertaufgabe bei einem Modell einer Pipeline.
15. Michael Dellnitz, Bodo Werner
Computational Methods for Bifurcation Problems with Symmetries -- with special Attention to Steady State and Hopf Bifurcation Points.
14. Lothar Collatz, Qinghua Zheng
Approximations of Singularities at Corners with different Angles.
13. Bernd Fischer, Lothar Reichel
Newton interpolation in Fej?r and Chebyshev points.
12. Hans Joachim Oberle
Numerical Computation of Singular - Control Functions in Trajectory Optimization Problems.
11. Ulrich Eckhardt
DIGITAL TOPOLOGY. II. Perfect Points of the inner Boundary.
10. Bernd Fischer, Lothar Reichel
A stable Richardson iteration method for complex linear systems.
9. Bodo Werner
Computational methods for bifurcation problems with symmetries and applications to steady states of $n$-box reaction-diffusion models.
8. Ulrich Eckhardt
Digital Topology I. A Classification of $3\times 3$ Neighbourhoods with Application to Parallel Thinning in Digital Pictures.
7. Bernd Fischer, Gerhard Opfer, Madan L. Puri
A local algorithm for constructing non-negative cubic splines.
6. Lothar Collatz, Christoph Maas
On Early Papers on the Eigenvalues of Graphs.
5. Karin Gatermann
The construction of symmetric cubature formulas for the square and the triangle.
4. Gerhard Opfer, Hans Joachim Oberle
The derivation of cubic splines with obstacles by methods of optimization and optimal control.
3. Bodo Werner
Numerical treatment of static bifurcation problems with symmetries demonstrated for the four-box-brusselator.
2. H. Voß
A new Justification of Finite Dynamic Element Methods.
1. R. Ansorge, M.L. Blanck
Remarks on the Numerical Treatment of Prandtl's Boundary-Layer Equations.

  Seitenanfang  Impressum 2008-01-15, Preprint-Administration