Informal workshop on set theory

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10 August 2013

Venue. ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam.

On 10 August 2013, three Master's students in set theory will publicly defend their Master's theses with a committee that includes external committee members. We use this opportunity to have a day of set theory with short talks by the external researchers and an afternoon of thesis defenses. Everyone is cordially welcome to attend the entire day!

Note that Science Park is closed during the weekends and you will not be able to enter the premises without someone who has a key ("druppelsleutel"). At 10am and 1:15pm, we shall collect people without key at the gate next to Amsterdam University College to get them into the building (meeting point markes as a red star on the following map; click the image for larger image):

10:15-10:45 Benno van den Berg (Utrecht). The Axiom of Multiple Choice.
10:45-11:15 Yurii Khomskii (Vienna). Cichon's diagram and regularity properties.
11:15-11:45 Stefan Geschke (Bonn). Embeddings of infinite graphs into Borel graphs
11:45-13:30 Lunch Break.
13:30-15:30 Master's defense of Tanmay Inamdar.
Thesis title: On the modal logics of some set-theoretic constructions
15:30-17:30 Master's defense of Hugo Nobrega.
Thesis title: Game characterizations of function classes and Weihrauch degrees
17:30-19:30 Master's defense of Apostolos Tzimoulis.
Thesis title: Determinacy and measurable cardinals in HOD