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Marco Freibert

Currently, I'm a postdoc in the group of Prof. Dr. Vicente Cortés at the department of mathematics of the university Hamburg. Before, I was a PhD student at the same place and successfully finished my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vicente Cortés in April 2013.

My main research areas are special geometries on Lie algebras, in particular half-flat SU(3)-structures and cocalibrated G2-structures, and Hitchin's flow equations.

Fachbereich Mathematik
Bereich Analysis und Differentialgeometrie
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg
Room 322
Phone: +49 40 42838-5179


Preprints Calibrated and parallel structures on almost Abelian Lie algebras

Publications Cocalibrated G_2-structures on products of four- and three-dimensional Lie groups
Differential Geom. Appl. 31 (2013), no. 3, 349–373.
Journal page ,   arXiv:1203.6858

Half-Flat Structures on Indecomposable Lie Groups
with F. Schulte-Hengesbach,
Transform. Groups 17, (2012), no. 3, 657 - 689.
Journal page ,   arXiv:1110.1512

Cocalibrated structures on Lie algebras with a codimension one Abelian ideal
Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 42 (2012), no. 4, 537-563.
Journal page ,   arXiv:1109.4774

Half-Flat Structures on Decomposable Lie Groups
with F. Schulte-Hengesbach.
Transform. Groups 17, (2012), no. 1, 123 - 141.
Journal page ,   arXiv:1012.3714

PhD thesis Geometric structures on Lie algebras and the Hitchin flow
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Vicente Cortés

Talks The Hitchin flow on Lie groups,
Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Münster, November 2013.

G_2- and G_2^*-geometry on Lie algebras,
Forschungsseminar "Mathematische Physik", Marburg, May 2013.

The Hitchin flow on almost Abelian Lie algebras,
Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Dortmund, April 2013.

Cocalibrated structures and the Hitchin flow on Lie algebras,
Symmetries in Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Luxembourg, September 2012.

Cocalibrated structures and Hitchin's flow equations on Lie algebras,
3rd Northern German Differential Geometry Day, Kiel, June 2012.

Special geometries on Lie algebras and Hitchin's flow equations,
Seminario di Geometria, Turin, February 2012.

Lie groups admitting half-flat SU(3)-structures/cocalibrated G2-structures,
Bilbao, July 2011.

The Solovay-Kitaev theorem on compact Lie groups,
Gemeinsames Seminar „Identifikation, Optimierung und Steuerung für technische Anwendungen”, Würzburg, November 2008.

Teaching Winter term 2013/14
Tutorials for the lecture "Linear Algebra I", University of Hamburg
Summer term 2013
Tutorials for the lecture "Linear Algebra II", University of Hamburg
Summer term 2012
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Differential Geometry", University of Hamburg
Winter term 2011/12
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Homogeneous Spaces", University of Hamburg
Summer term 2011
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Differential Geometry", University of Hamburg
Winter term 2010/11
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Mathematics for Physicists III", University of Hamburg
Summer term 2010
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Mathematics for Physicists II", University of Hamburg
Winter term 2009/10
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Mathematics for Physicists I", University of Hamburg
Summer term 2009
Tutorials for the lecture "Ordinary Differential Equations", University of Würzburg
Winter term 2008/09
Teaching assistant for the lecture "Geometric Methods in Physics I", University of Würzburg

Other activities I helped preparing Hamburger Tag der Mathematik 2010.

  Seitenanfang  Impressum 2012-01-18, Marco Freibert